Business World Successfuls Share Secrets With Pastors to Evangelize
More than 2,000 pastors from across the country will converge on Orlando later this month to interact with a ''Who's Who'' of world-renowned Christian and business leaders
More than 2,000 pastors from across the country will converge in Orlando later this month to interact with the "Who's Who" of world-renowned Christian and business leaders. The conference for pastors will be held Jan. 25-27 at Faith Assembly Church in Orlando, Fla.
“For the first time ever, we are bringing together top visionary business leaders who want to share their success secrets with pastors,” said Dr. James O. Davis, co-founder, president and chief executive officer of the Global Pastors Network. “These business leaders will make a difference in helping pastors and leaders fulfill the Great Commission and become ’soul millionaires‘ in their communities.”
The Global Pastors Network (GPN), founded by the late Bill Bright and Dr. James O. Davis, convened the meeting as part of an unheard-of campaign to plant five million churches and win one billion people to Christ over the next ten years.
John Maxwell, chairman of the Global Pastors Network, and well known leadership author, said pastors attending the conference will gain new insights.
”It’s about serving the body of Christ (the Church), rather than showing the body of Christ,” said Maxwell.
As part of the GPN conference, business leaders will focus on equipping key pastors to work together.
There are 50 or so well-known speakers, including evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Bishop Kenneth Ulmer of Faithful Central Bible Church in Los Angeles; Pastor Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals; Rev. Sunday Adelaja from the Ukraine, and Pastor David Mohan from India.
S. Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A, one of the largest privately owned restaurant chains in the nation will also speak.
"There can be no doubt we are living in unprecedented times in the world,” Cathy said. “In order for the Great Commission to be accomplished, the church will have to adopt aggressive teamwork where Christian business leaders and local pastors can work together to achieved unparalleled results."
Success expert Peter Lowe and Al Weiss, president of worldwide operations for Disney, are more business experts who will lay down strategies to help those pastors who want to plant churches.
"I am thrilled with the Billion Soul vision and believe the Lord of the harvest is bringing His Church together for the greatest evangelism effort ever,” Lowe said.
Pollster and GPN supporter, George Gallup, Jr., called it a "world-changing venture.”
Over the past four years the Global Pastors Network has brought together more than 20,000 pastors from every state, every Canadian province and from more than 70 nations. Since its first pastors conference in 2002 -- with more than 5,000 pastors attending -- to the current regional “Billion Soul Summit” meetings being held throughout the country, GPN leaders say they are building the momentum to put into action a new global evangelism strategy.
“In the next ten to 15 years, more than five million new churches will be established worldwide and more than one billion people will put their trust in Jesus Christ,” said Davis. “They will need qualified leaders, and Global Pastors Network is helping to train and equip pastors.”