Ken Hutcherson
Special to CP
Has DC Mayor Forgotten Civil Rights History?
Apparently the Mayor of Washington D.C., Vincent Gray, has forgotten his city's civil rights history.
A Conservative Black Pastor Says: 'If I Were President, I Would…'
If I were President, there would be no special treatment for anyone entering our country illegally. I would send a special delegation to Israel to study how to build a fence, secure it and then electrify it.
Black Pastor Speaks Frankly to Blacks About Trayvon Martin
I believe Dr. James Manning hit it on the head when he said that black people have a difficult time accepting truth simply because they are black. That's right, black people are involved and it is impossible for the average black person to believe the truth.
The Rainbow Papers: What Does Your Bride Look Like?
What does your bride look like? Does anyone have the right to tell you how your bride should look, act, talk, or think?
On Homosexuality and Jason Collins: An Open Letter to Dave Thompson
Note: Jason Collins recently became the first major sport professional athlete to publically proclaim he is a homosexual. Chris Broussard is an ESPN analyst who called homosexuality a sin and was later criticized by some colleagues and faith leaders for his remarks. This is a response to Dave Thompson's column.
Our President Blesses Sin; God Help Us
Last Friday, April 26th, President Obama became the first sitting president to speak at the National Planned Parenthood Conference. Not only did he speak at this event, but he invoked God's blessing upon them! No president in our history has had the arrogance to openly endorse the slaughter of our unborn, and atrocities against women.
America's Spiritual Super Bowl
When a U.S. city has a professional baseball team winning the World Series, there is nothing like it in all of sports. As pastors in America, we play hardball for the King, and we have already played 80 percent of our games, with a short time remaining before the final buzzer.
It's Not Our Children Who are Illiterate, It's the Parents
Whose fault is it our education system ranks among the lowest in the 'civilized' world? If you believe Ms. Perry and her minions, you have struck out. She and her fellow political progressives on the left side of the debate have an agenda, and it's the same one Adolf Hitler, and Joseph Stalin had.
Priebus Must Resign as GOP Chairman
I have but one question to ask you? Do you take kindly to the very recent remarks from Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus calling Christian Republicans Old Testament heretics for not supporting same-sex marriage in America?
Pistol Packing Pastors
Have you pastors had enough of the rhetoric from those within our media who preach that owning a gun is detrimental to us as a nation? If so, please get in line, because it starts here with me. I'm big, black, bald, bad, and love to hunt.