Matthew Cortina
Christian Post Reporter
Thousands to Pray Against 'Spiritual Darkness' on College Campuses
Thousands of college students across the U.S. will engage in prayer on Thursday as part of the Collegiate Day of Prayer – a movement by Christian group Collegiate Impact to encourage the next generation of American leaders to welcome prayer into their lives and push back against the tide of "darkness" on college campuses.
Franklin Graham Not So Sure President Obama Is Christian (VIDEO)
The Rev. Franklin Graham told a panel on MSNBC Tuesday morning that he believes President Barack Obama may or may not be Christian, while expressing his belief that GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum's moral stances show him to be a "man of faith."
RI School Won't Fight Prayer Banner's Removal
A Rhode Island public school board voted on Thursday not to appeal a federal court ruling that required the school to remove a 40-year-old prayer banner from its walls after an atheist student said it conflicted with her beliefs.
Richard Dawkins Claims Religion Now 'Irrelevant' in UK
A poll instigated by atheist Richard Dawkins' foundation has claimed that almost three quarters of British Christians believe religion should have no role in crafting public policy, while almost two-thirds believe same-sex couples should receive every right that heterosexual couples are given.
AIDS Group's 'Condom Nation' Drive to Unwittingly Net Teens?
An HIV/AIDS prevention advocacy group has launched a campaign to distribute one million condoms on a cross-country bus tour of the U.S. to promote HIV prevention and awareness – but might the group step on toes in its effort to equip everyone, including teenagers, on the issue of safer sex?
Whitney Houston Honored by US Congress
Members of the U.S. House of Representative recognized the death of Whitney Houston on Monday after the singer was found dead in a hotel bathtub over the weekend.
Wash. Governor Signs Gay Marriage Bill Into Law
Washington became the seventh state to recognize same-sex marriage on Monday as Gov. Christine Gregoire signed a bill into law during a ceremony at the statehouse with gay rights supporters and lawmakers.
NJ Senate Approves Gay Marriage Bill; State Poised to Redefine Marriage?
The New Jersey State Senate voted 24-16 in favor of a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage in the state, prompting observers to wonder if the Garden State will soon become the seventh state, alongside Washington, D.C., to redefine traditional marriage.
Worshippers Flock to 'Virgin Mary' Image Found on Texas Tree (VIDEO)
There is an indentation in the bark of an oak tree in Houston that residents say looks like the traditional image of the Virgin Mary of Guadeloupe, and many of them are flocking to the image to pay homage.
Colo. Rejects 'Personhood' Amendment for 3rd Time
A bill that would define unborn fetuses as human lives in Colorado was defeated this week by the state's Senate Judiciary Committee. It is the third time a so-called "personhood" amendment has been struck down in four years in the state.