Dog Comes Across a Dolphin in a Dangerous Situation and Alerts Owner

Dolphins are mammals and are very similar to humans in that they rely on their mother for food. They also tend to stick together with their family, which is known as a "pod." When a loving dog sees that there is a problem with a dolphin on the shore, he immediately alerts his owner.
In this video, you are shown a dolphin that gets lost from his pod and washed up on shore. When this dog, Leia, finds a baby dolphin stuck in the rising tide, her owner knows exactly what to do to save it. It takes some coaxing, but you can see how well they work together to ensure the safe return of the dolphin. They even decide to give it a name after saving it from a life-threatening situation. It's an awesome rescue that all of them will never forget.
Watch this awesome rescue of a baby dolphin below: