5 Seattle Christians Taking on Twitter to Show Seahawks Pride as NFL Team Take Place in Super Bowl 2014

Who's going to the Super Bowl free safety Chris Marago?
WERE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!!#Seahawks#12thMan
— Chris Maragos (@ChrisMaragos) enero 20, 2014
Seattle Seahawks Quarterback Russell Wilson seems a little surprised that his team will be headed to the Super Bowl XLVII.
What an amazing blessing! God is so good! NFC Champs! Headed to the Super Bowl! #GoHawkspic.twitter.com/IA2Nec9xL6
— Russell Wilson (@DangeRussWilson) enero 20, 2014
"Jesus Not Religion" author and YouTube poet, Jeff Bethke goes classy and tips his hat to the other side.
Wow. Go Hawks! That game was intense. Exactly the game everyone wanted. Such a battle down to the wire. 49ers are an amazing team.
— Jefferson Bethke (@JeffersonBethke) enero 20, 2014
Eugene Cho, who pastors at Quest, confesses that he was unsure at first of which team he was rooting for.
Having grown up in San Fran & having lived the last 17 years in Seattle, I'm confused & conflicted. But...#GoHawkspic.twitter.com/m0I3qEymn6
— Eugene Cho (@EugeneCho) enero 20, 2014
Then, he had other worries after the game ended.
What's the downside of the Seahawks & Broncos being in the Super Bowl? Now, every state is gonna wanna legalize marijuana. #igotjokes
— Eugene Cho (@EugeneCho) enero 20, 2014
On the other hand, Pastor Mark Driscoll, just wanted to remind people of two things. 1) Jesus > bigger than the Super Bowl. 2) He hung out with some of the players recently and you can watch here!
Jesus is better than the #SuperBowl, but excited for Seattle & congrats to #Seahawks! My interview w/some of the team http://t.co/g4XqLEn9j1
— Mark Driscoll (@PastorMark) enero 20, 2014