A Religious Bigotry Litmus Test

A short questionnaire to determine your level of religious bigotry:
- Should a Muslim butcher be compelled by law to serve pork products?
- Should a gay baker be required by law to decorate a cake with Bible verses against homosexuality?
- Should a Jewish deli be mandated by law to remain open on Friday evenings?
- Should a Catholic hospital be obligated by law to provide abortions?
- Should an African-American florist be told by law that she must provide flowers for a Klan-themed wedding?
- Should an Asian-American videographer be held legally responsible to film a movie full of anti-Asian racism?
- Should an Amish family be required by law to send its children to high school (current law allows them to stop their kids' education after eighth grade)?
- Should a Seventh Day Adventist school be forced by law to include meat in its students' lunches?
- Should a Jehovah's Witness be coerced by law to have a blood transfusion if he is ill?
If you answer "no" to these questions, you should also answer no to this:
Should an Evangelical Protestant, Orthodox Jewish, or practicing Muslim photographer, whose religious beliefs about human sexuality prevent her from affirming same-sex unions, be required by law to shoot a same-sex wedding?
Corporate America answers "no" to all but the last question.
Liberal journalists on TV and radio and in newspaper coverage answer "no" to all but the last question.
Popular entertainers answer "no" to all but the last question.
Advocates for LGBT "rights" answer "no" to all but the last question.
So – how do you answer?