DNC Chair Thinks Millennial Women 'Complacent' About Abortion

In a recent interview with Democratic National Committee Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Florida, the interviewer asked if she noticed a generational divide between young women and women her age regarding their excitement over Hillary Clinton. The Congresswoman responded,
"Here's what I see: a complacency among the generation of young women whose entire lives have been lived after Roe v. Wade was decided."

It's difficult to do … but with that comment, the congresswoman somehow managed to upset women on both sides of the issue.
In a later interview, she clarified:
"For many in my generation who lived the majority of our lives with the right to make our own health care choices, there wasn't a sense of urgency after Roe v. Wade settled our right to a safe and legal abortion. Since then, opponents worked aggressively to chip away at women's reproductive freedom and they have awakened a sleeping giant in the millennials leading the fight in defense of the progress we've made."
Progress? Proud of their "legacy," a few Boomers like Rep. Wasserman Schultz still make Roe v. Wade sound like it deserves a gold star in women's history. Yet many women, especially pro-life millennials, consider that day to be one of our darkest.
Since the Court ruling, over 57 million babies have lost their chance at life under the guise of female liberation. Roe v. Wade set the precedent that it is acceptable to take innocent life if it makes women feel equal to men … that unhindered sex and abortion at all costs are the means to accomplish that end. What's more, female leaders like the congresswoman now publicly condemn generations that value life — something which they should be applauding.
Speaking of younger generations, later in the interview, Rep. Wasserman Schultz also mentioned being a mom, and said,
"I guess I'm protective. Safety has been my top legislative priority. I'm driven by the idea that safety is really a core function of government."
Her statement is widely incongruous with her stance on abortion, especially when it has significantly damaged American women both emotionally and physically. If safety is our government's number one priority, then the risks that abortion poses — not only to unborn children but also to the women receiving them — should be a number one concern.
As of late, comments like the representative's are increasing, and here's why: pro-lifers have made it evident that they are a force with which to be reckoned. The recent passage of H.R. 3762 in the House and Senate is causing abortionists to sweat. Although the president vetoed the bill, it sent the message that when Americans vote a life-valuing president into office in 2016, we'll be strides closer to passing laws which could end abortion for good.
If pro-life Americans vote their values, big changes are coming this year. But in order for that to happen, the candidate to look for is someone who fears God more than he or she fears the ballot box.
With all due respect, Congresswoman, call millennials what you want — but do not call us complacent. We are the pro-life generation.
And just to make certain this is known, groups like Young Women for America, Students for Life, and countless others will be at the March for Life on January 22. Not only that, our young women will be going to the Hill to lobby Congress to override the president's veto and defund abortion giants like Planned Parenthood.
The real sleeping giant is awake, and it will not stop until life is truly protected at the state and national level.