America's Freedom Stems From Christians Loving Jehovah
The history of America is an open book. It's a history of reliance upon Jehovah, the One true God. That's not to say America has a perfect record by any stretch. But in spite of some blemishes, America remains a free country today. Why? Because of Christians who love Jehovah.

Religion has a way of shaping a nation, be it for good or bad. Jehovah and His Gospel enables man to become free on the inside. This in turn leads to freedom of religion being promoted on the outside. On the other hand, wherever people are following a god other than Jehovah, the result is often oppression and control. Religious zealots dominate others and threaten them with violence simply for exercising their God-given freedom of choice.
By the way, check out these U.S. Marines singing "there's no God like Jehovah." How many nations on earth today have Christians in their military with this kind of spiritual discernment, holy courage, and faith? I mean really, who does that other than Christians that love Jehovah?
Without faith in Jehovah and His Son, man tends to shut down freedom. Without the working of the Holy Spirit in a nation, laws related to matters of faith tend to become oppressive. Jehovah is the author of freedom, and a real witness for Jehovah will teach what Christians have always taught. Namely, the message of forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ. Real witnesses for Jehovah make it clear that works do not save a man's soul, but rather, good works flow from faith.
Every nation of the world would be wise to welcome Christianity into their land. Why? Because the Gospel always liberates people when they take it to heart and walk in it. Just look at the life of Christ Himself. It was a life of perfection. He gave everyone the freedom to follow Him, or go their own way. And Christians promote that same freedom after embracing the love of the Savior.
If it wasn't for Jehovah sending us His Son, everyone would be walking in total darkness. But at least there are pockets of light wherever Christians are loving Jehovah. Notice who is responsible for starting so many hospitals, orphanages, homeless shelters, and relief organizations. Why? Because the love of God flows from the hearts of those who accept Christ as Savior.
There are plenty of nations in the world today where people are made to live in fear. There is no real freedom in those places. There is no dynamic presence of Jehovah and His love. People in those nations are afraid to do anything which might go against the wishes of those in power. How sad. It doesn't have to be that way. If those nations would welcome the Christian message with open arms, what a positive difference it would make! Loving Jehovah always improves the hearts and lives of people.
Jehovah is the Creator. He created Adam and Eve with freedom of choice. And we find this passion for free choice in any nation where Christianity is spread, believed, and practiced.
Read the Beatitudes. (Matthew 5:1-12) What nation isn't blessed to follow Christ in this way? Of course there will always be those who persecute Christians and Jews. And yet, everyone gets to decide for himself if he wants to be on the side of Christ and His people, or on the side of those who persecute Christ and His followers. Those who suffer for Christ now will certainly be overflowing with joy in the next life, while those who persecute Christians and others here on earth will have all of eternity to regret their hatred and violence.
Meanwhile, atheists and secular humanists take it all in. And if they are honest, they begin to take note of the freedom in America as compared to the religion and oppression within nations where Christians and Jews are hated and killed for their faith. In fact, Bill Maher made some insightful comments on this issue recently in a discussion with Charlie Rose.
So thank God for freedom, and thank Jehovah for sending His Son. Without Christ and His love, any nation can easily be dominated by hateful extremism flowing from false religion. Thank God for America's Judeo-Christian roots, and the spirit of freedom which stems from those deep roots. And thank God every time people in America are openly encouraged to love Jehovah and His Son.
After all, it's the only way any nation can experience lasting freedom.