Are Troubled Singles Getting Left Out of Your Community?

How sadly true it is that so much of the American Body of Christ runs on a "starvation diet of community," as Rosaria often phrases it. It's so easy in our busy culture for us to get stuck in the ruts of our life routines and neglect to conform those routines to the image the Bible has pictured for us.
We go to church, our Sunday school class, and maybe a mid-week small group (if our church offers that), and scribble three checkmarks onto our list of Christian must-do's for the week. This is how many of us have grown to view and practice community — oh but what a far cry it is from what God commands of us and wants for us. It may be feasible, though I doubt it, for married believers with families to get by on this starvation diet. But it's not feasible for the single people in our churches. In fact, it's spiritually lethal.
Last week at an Ethics and Religious Liberty conference on gay marriage (Equip Austin), Mike Goeke shared that in his decades of experience in sexual identity ministry, he's found that the majority of same sex attracted people who fall back into their former way of life are propelled in that direction by loneliness — not just mere romantic loneliness, but deep, comprehensive loneliness.