Can a Sex Change Really Change You?
I wish I were Bruce Jenner's father. Looking at the most recent Vanity Fair cover, it just breaks my heart to see a man in such pain. Jenner seems to be looking for acceptance and validation among those who seek to exploit him most for their personal gain, when the reality is that he is and always has been of immeasurable value.
This is what all good fathers know and try to impart in their children. When our children come to us thinking they are "ugly" or "freaks" or "awkward," saying that nobody would ever love them, we comfort them with the truth that God created them with tender loving care while they were still in their mother's womb. We tell them that they are not accidents, but blessings of God, purposely selected to be just as they are, to be uniquely loved by God and for them to love God above all.
And, of course, we tell them how much we (their parents) love them. I have lost count of the many times I have told my daughter, Mia, the story of her birth. "When you came out, you were this little, tiny baby, and daddy took you in his arms and told you, 'I'll take care of you, baby.' And I will; you are very special to me."