Christian Blogger Matt Walsh Tells Fast-Food Workers They Don't Deserve $15 an Hour to Flip Burgers
Christian blogger Matt Walsh ripped into fast-food workers who reportedly rallied in some 230 American cities for a $15 minimum wage this week, and has declared, rather bluntly, that they don't deserve it.
"You earnestly believe — indeed, you've been led to this conclusion by pandering politicians and liberal pundits who possess neither the slightest grasp of the basic rules of economics nor even the faintest hint of integrity — that your entry level gig pushing buttons on a cash register at Taco Bell ought to earn you double the current federal minimum wage," said Walsh in an op-ed published in The Blaze addressing the fast-food workers.
"I want to talk to those of you who actually consider yourselves entitled to close to a $29 thousand a year full time salary for doing a job that requires no skill, no expertise, and no education; those who think a fry cook ought to earn an entry level income similar to a dental assistant; those who insist the guy putting the lettuce on my Big Mac ought to make more than the Emergency Medical Technician who saves lives for a living; those who believe you should automatically be able to 'live comfortably,' as if 'comfort' is a human right," he continued.
Walsh then goes on to explain how he had to work for a decade before he started earning $15 an hour at age 26, and didn't start earning a "comfortable" wage until he turned 27.
"You think the jobs I had when I was 16 should have provided me with the comfortable living I just established in my late 20s? Frankly, I think you're delusional," he said, addressing the protesting workers.
"To understand how delusional, consider that a $15 an hour full-time salary would put you in the same ball park as biologists, auto mechanics, biochemists, teachers, geologists, roofers, and bank tellers. You'd be making more than some police officers," he said.
"You'd easily out earn many firefighters. Ironically, you'd be fast food workers with starting salaries higher than many professional chefs, which is a bit like paying a tattoo artist less than the person who paints cat whiskers on your face at the carnival. You'd be halfway to the income of accountants, engineers, and physical therapists. Does that sound fair?" he asked.
"It might sound fun, but does it sound fair? These are highly skilled jobs which require years of training and education. These are jobs which, in some cases, our society profoundly relies upon. Jobs with enormous responsibilities. Jobs that are considerably more complex and complicated than refilling the soda fountain at Roy Rogers," he added.
You can read the complete op-ed here.