Demi Lovato: 'A Loving God Would Never Condemn Anyone for Loving Another Human of the Same Sex'

Singer and entertainer Demi Lovato has told her more than 23 million followers on Twitter that the God she worships and believes in, loves and accepts those in the LGBT community.
"The LOVING God that I believe in, would never condemn anyone for loving another human of the same sex. That's just what I believe and everyone is entitled to their own beliefs." wrote Lovato.
Lovato also recalled learning about the unconditional nature of God's love as a child and explained how it currently impacted her own morals and ethics.
"I grew up learning in Sunday school and bible camps about a God who loves all no matter where you came from or what you've done. A man named Jesus who forgives people of all sins including horrible things like murder if you simply ask for forgiveness and accept him into your heart," she wrote. "Now I'm no bible thumper but I truly believe that same Lord and savior loves ALL no matter who you are or where you've come from and especially who you love."
Lovato posted her message on Facebook following a conversation with a close friend where she vented her frustrations that people were " STILL JUDGING others for their sexual preferences."
"It really breaks my heart, and I'll never be able to understand why this world can't learn to accept one another for who they are without passing judgement (sic)," she continued. "You are not God, therefore leave the judging to him."
Last month, Lovato told fans at a Los Angeles Pride parade that she believed in a God who accepted everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation.
"You don't have to hate, because my Jesus loves all," Lovato said before performing her new single "Really Don't Care," a break-up song seemingly rethemed as a Pride anthem.
Lovato's Pride performance served as the setting for the song's recently released music video that opens with footage showing protesters with signs saying "Jesus saves from hell" and "Homo sex is sin." The video also shows excited concert attendees, a "no bullying" message, and a lesbian couple kissing.
Lovato has not been shy about her support for LGBT issues; in 2013, she played Dani, who dated Naya Rivera's character, Santana, on the television show "Glee."
The former "X Factor" judge has also spoken about her faith over the years.
"I'm not super religious, but I grew up Christian and I believe in God," she told Cosmopolitan. "When I'm in L.A., I don't talk about it that much because people are very judgmental, but I just feel like God gave me a voice, not just to sing with."
She added, "He put me through those things, which seemed horrible at the time, but they were so worth it. With the obstacles I've overcome, I can help people."
Lovato, who has made waves in recent years after she entered rehab following an eating disorder and rampant drug and alcohol abuse, has since used her platform to speak out against bullying and substance abuse.
In May, Lovato announced a North American tour which will kick off on Sept. 6 in Baltimore.