'Duck Dynasty's Jep Robertson on Illness: 'I Thought I Was a Goner'

"Duck Dynasty" star Jep Robertson has spoken out about the seizure that landed him in the hospital and on life support for four days.
On Oct. 19, Robertson was on a deer hunting trip when he began to seize and fell to the ground.
"I reached to get my bow and that's kind of the last I remember. I crumbled to the ground and they said that I had a seizure for five minutes," he told "Good Morning America." "I thought I was a goner. Waking up Thursday, I was looking around and asked [my wife] Jess, 'What are we doing in the hospital?' I had no idea what had happened four days before."
Robertson had to be sedated, tied down to his hospital bed, and placed on life support in order to receive treatment. He told "GMA" that he had to be treated with antibiotics for a possible infection, which may have caused the seizures. Other than that, doctors cannot explain why the 36-year-old would have had such intense seizures.
The "Duck Dynasty" star is the son of Phil Robertson, patriarch of the "Duck Dynasty" clan. He is also the husband of Jessica and father of four children. His family and fans of the reality series on A&E have issued prayers and tons of support for the younger Robertson.
"@JepDuckman prayers to you during this time," one fan tweeted. "I hope it was an isolated incident."
"@JepDuckman we love you! We will keep praying!" another added.
In addition to starring on the hit series, Robertson films and edits DVDs for the Duckmen series. The family works together on the Duck Commander duck calls and were discovered by the A&E network seven seasons ago. Their down-home lifestyle and Christian message took America by storm and became an immediate sensation.

The seventh season of "Duck Dynasty" will air on A&E in November.