Franklin Graham Compares Removing Ten Commandments in the US to ISIS Destroying Christian Churches

Evangelical preacher Franklin Graham has compared the removal of Ten Commandments monuments from public property in the U.S. to the Islamic State terror group tearing down Christian symbols across the Middle East.
"We have been appalled at news reports of ISIS and the Islamic State tearing down all symbols of Christianity in the Middle East; but think about it — we're doing it to ourselves here in the U.S. Atheists, activists, and anti-God groups like the ACLU, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and the Military Freedom of Religion Foundation are on a quest to erase or tear down anything associated with the Name of Jesus Christ," Graham wrote in a Facebook post on Friday.
He linked to a story by USA Today earlier this week that reported on the recent removal of the Ten Commandments granite monuments from the Oklahoma Capitol grounds.
Back in June the Oklahoma Supreme Court decided in a 7-2 ruling that the display violated the ban on using state property to further religion.
The monument was torn down early Tuesday morning in order to avoid confrontations.
"What are these people thinking? We need God's laws — these are the laws that have helped society flourish," Graham said.
IS militants have posted numerous videos online depicting the destruction of Christian buildings and symbols in the territory it has captured across Iraq and Syria.
Back in March, the jihadists shared photos of the destruction of Christian crosses, statues, and icons from churches in Ninawa, Irawa, which they replaced with the group's infamous black flag.
"The images show ISIS men engaged in the destruction of various Christian symbols, which ISIS perceives as being polytheistic and idolatrous," the Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor said back then.
"They don't care what it's called; they are just following their ideology and that means getting rid of churches and minorities. It is the Islamic State, and there's no room for anyone else," MEMRI Director Steven Stalinsky added.
Graham further commented on his Facebook page that the removal of the Ten Commandments monument and other such instances are one of the reasons he is rolling out his "Decision America Tour," where he will travel to all 50 states in 2016 to rally Christians to get involved politically.
"I'm going to challenge the people of God to stand for His truth and righteousness and make a difference in this nation," Graham added.
Back in April, he explained that he's encouraging Christians to vote based on biblical principles and to run for political office themselves.
"I want to strongly urge Christians to run for public office at every level — local, state, and federal. We will not be endorsing any political candidates, but I will be proclaiming the truth of God's Gospel in every state," Graham said.