'God Allows Terrorists to Strike' Because 'We Don't Give Him Our Attention Until We Are Desperate, Says Billy Graham's Daughter Anne Graham Lotz
Same-Sex Marriage, Abandoning Israel, Abortion Will Lead to God's 'Tipping Point,' Lotz Proclaims

Billy Graham's daughter, Anne Graham Lotz, has claimed that the reason God allows terrorists to attack the United States and tornadoes to destroy cities is because Americans don't pay God any attention until they are truly desperate and are seeking His mercy.
The 67-year-old Lotz, who has previously claimed that the rapture will happen during her lifetime and God's judgement will soon come upon America, recently spoke with Jan Markell on the "Understanding End Times" radio program where she compared Americans' apathy toward the Gospel to the times of Noah, when God unleashed his judgement by flooding the Earth.
"In the days of Noah, they were eating, drinking, getting married. There is nothing wrong with any of that. All of those are normal everyday activities. But in Noah's day they did it all apart from God," Lotz said. "There was no acknowledgment of God. God was irrelevant to them. … I think that is where we are today."
Lotz argued that Americans today are too focused on insignificant things such as Hollywood, sports and ridiculous controversies, rather than giving God the attention He deserves.
"I look at some of the things that we get preoccupied with, whether it's an entertainer or whose baby they are having, or on the red carpet, or footballs being deflated by a quarterback. We zero in on those things and talk about them and we have no idea that we are on the edge of the whole world collapsing around us," Lotz explained. "That is the strongest similarity of the days of Noah and our day.
"Today, we are consumed by superficial things. Some of the areas of the world they are not. If you go to Syria or Iraq, those Christians over there, I will guarantee you, are very focused," Lotz continued. "In America, we are just neglecting God and ignoring Him. I just saw a piece about the rise of atheism, people walking away from the church. In fact, the Christian church is declining, according to Pew Research."
Lotz added that God sends wake-up calls to let people know that His judgement is coming and that they need to turn to Him, repent and pray that He will send His blessings instead of harsh judgement.
"That is why God sends us wake-up calls. That's why he allows the terrorists to strike or a tornado to rip through our city, because for whatever reason, we don't seem to give Him our attention until we are desperate," Lotz contended. "If we don't give Him our attention, then He is going to allow things to happen to make us more and more desperate until we do cry out."
Although God sends wake-up calls, Lotz said that there eventually comes a "point of no return" where God will no longer listen to pleas for His mercy and will simply unleash His judgement if people still aren't repenting even with the warning signs.
"Romans 1 gives that progression of judgement; its methodical and slow in a sense. At any point you could turn back to God. But I do believe there comes a tipping point. There comes a point of no return," she said. "My concern is that I just don't want it to get passed that tipping point. I don't want to get to the point when we cry out it's as though His ears are deaf and His patience has run out. I think we are getting very close to that."
She further warned that there are three reasons why America could pass the tipping point.
One is if the U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of making gay marriage a constitutional right in a decision expected to be made this month. The second is America's "abandoning of Israel." Third, is the rise of abortion.
"Those three reasons alone would demand that God judge America. We can point our fingers at them," Lotz argued. "Judgement starts at the house of God and we need to get our house in order. We need ourselves to get right with God and repent of our sins."
The two most important things that God's people should be doing to prevent His judgement from reaching America is praying and sharing the Gospel, because those people who are led to Christ during these times will be "double saved," Lotz proclaimed.
"We share the Gospel because people that we lead to Christ right now, it's almost like we save them twice," she said. "We save them from an earthly hell that is coming during the tribulation period, which I think we are very close to, and we save them from eternal hell, which is when you step into eternity. The second death is the worst of all when you are separated from God forever."