
'Homeland' Season 7: Carrie to Plan Next Coup Against Keane?

Carrie (Claire Danes) may be the one to start the next coup d'état to topple President Keane's (Elizabeth Marvel) administration in the next season of "Homeland."

Spoilers predict that Carrie will be quitting her job as senior advisor to the POTUS and will help Saul (Mandy Patinkin) escape from captivity.

In last season's finale, it was revealed that the CIA man was captured by Keane's entourage due to his alleged connection to the people who tried to assassinate her. Carrie only learned about it when Saul called her. She immediately tried to have a dialogue with the President, but she was barred from approaching her. The final minutes of the episode saw Carrie looking regretfully at the Capitol.

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If Keane will continue to let her paranoia take control of her, Carrie will likely join the other side and will help remove the leader from the White House.

Staging another coup d'état may seem like a harsh approach to stop Keane and her tyrannical plans, but with the situation steadily escalating, Carrie will probably have no choice but to go to the extreme. It has been previously teased that she would return to the intelligence community. If she will not join the CIA immediately, she will likely be part of an underground group that will plot against the President.

Meanwhile, showrunner Alex Gansa previously told Variety their plans for the last two installments of the show. He said they originally planned to have a single story arc for season 7 and 8, but that might still change.

"I'm really at the very beginning of thinking about the last two seasons. The hope would be to tell one story that takes us through the last two seasons so that we don't have to reinvent in the last season. We'd like to start a story in season seven that brings the series in for a landing. We'll see if that happens. That's the hope. (But) it's hard to know until we start noodling around and make our trip to D.C. and until we decide where we want Carrie Mathison to be at the end of this journey," the EP said.

"Homeland" season 7 is expected to air sometime in 2018.

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