How To Respond When Your Teen Daughter Announces She's Pregnant
Have you ever ridden one of those amusement park rides that spin at dizzying speeds just before the floor drops out? They leave you glued to the wall, holding on for dear life.

Well, if you've ever had a teen daughter shock you with the announcement, "I'm pregnant," I'm guessing you can relate.
You probably felt like your world was spinning, and the floor had dropped out from beneath you.
The shock is understandable.
The question is, how should a parent respond?
As you'll hear on today and tomorrow's program, "Hope for Women Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy," the initial reaction from many parents is decidedly negative. They erupt in anger or even detach emotionally and pull away from their daughter entirely.
But our guests Amy Ford and Joanna Brown explain why it's so crucial for parents to offer a sympathetic response. Obviously, it's a highly emotional time for everyone involved, filled with uncertainty and a host of legitimate concerns. Mom and dad may struggle with how to support their daughter when they're heartbroken and confused, too.
And there's the rub. Those initial moments become about mom and dad's disappointment instead of what their daughter needs. Ideally, parents will be able to focus on their daughter's well-being. She's probably scared and needs you to draw close to her now more than ever. It's your strength that'll help her get through this frightening experience and make good choices moving forward.
But how do parents do that when they're caught up in their own dizzying emotions? I hope you'll join us for our broadcast today as we discuss that very real dilemma and help parents get their bearings. Listen on your local radio station or find the program online or our free, downloadable mobile phone app
Source: DalyFocus