ISIS Jihadist 'Monsters' Are Torturing 9-Y-O Kids, Says Sex Slave Survivor Left Disfigured

Lamya Aji Bashar Taha, a young Yazidi woman who was forced to live as a sex slave for 20 months and left visually impaired with a disfigured face, has called her Islamic State captors "monsters," confirming stories about their abuse of children as young as 9 years old.
Taha was sold to IS terrorists five times, CNN-News18 reports, and along with other captured women and children was forced to make weapons and suicide vests. She made several attempts to escape, but was recaptured and forced to suffer harsh punishment and abuse.
"They (IS) are monsters," she said, recounting the radicals' physically abuse of children.
The terror group, which still holds territory in Iraq and Syria, and has affiliates in 18 countries, has become infamous for its slave markets where the militants have sold and bought thousands of women and children.
Taha told reporters in New Delhi, India, where she participated in a talk titled "The New Wave of Global Terror," that IS captured her during an attack on her village in which her father was killed.
She finally managed to escape IS captivity after her relatives paid money to smugglers who found her and helped her out.
The sex slave survivor was speaking at the event to warn youth in India who are considering leaving their homes to join IS after news reports earlier this year revealed that dozens of youths in India were making that decision.
Taha told youngsters to beware of IS, however, pointing out that the terror group is known for trying to indoctrinate people online.
Taha, alongside fellow Yazidi survivor Nadia Murad, received the European Parliament's Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in October 2016 for her courage in speaking out against the atrocities she suffered at the hands of IS.
Parliament President Martin Schulz said at the time that the prize shows that the women's fight "has not been in vain and that we are prepared to step up to the plate to help them in their fight against the hardship and brutality perpetrated by this so-called Islamic State to which so many people are still exposed to."
Yazidis, Christians, Arab women and others have suffered rape, torture and enslavement at the hands of IS, with a Human Rights Watch report from February revealing the horrific abuses six Sunni Arab women suffered.
One 26-year-old woman, identified as Hanan, who was arrested along with with 50 other women in April 2016 by IS jihadists in Qayyarah, revealed that she was raped in front of her children.
"The same guy raped me every day for the next month without a blindfold, always in front of my children. My daughter suffers from an intellectual disability so she doesn't really understand what she saw, but my older son brings it up often. I don't know what to do," Hanan said of her ordeal.