Ken Ham Calls Out Richard Dawkins, Claims 'There Are No Atheists Now' or in Eternity

Creation Museum CEO and President Ken Ham says that no true atheists exist today, and that there will be no atheists in eternity, despite what world famous atheists such as Richard Dawkins claim. Ham also said that atheists are "so aggressive" because they know the truth, but deny it.
"Some Americans call themselves atheists — and many in other countries openly profess atheism, but as I explain in my article below, there are no atheists now, and there will be no atheists in eternity," Ham said in a Facebook post on Monday, and linked to an earlier article where he called out Dawkins for his beliefs.
Ham argued that even Dawkins, the best-selling author and evolutionary biologist behind The God Delusion, has admitted that he is not "absolutely sure about atheism."
Ham, who also leads Answers in Genesis — an apologetics ministry — pointed to a 2013 interview between Dawkins and "The Daily Show" host Jon Stewart, where the famous atheist was asked about what happens to people after they die.
Dawkins replied: "I don't know what happens to us, but I know that our consciousness is wrapped up in our brains. I know that our brains rot."
The Creation Museum president responded: "So Richard Dawkins, a man who is so certain there is no God, is not totally certain about what's going to happen to him when he dies. And yet he speaks with certainty as he tries to indoctrinate people to believe in his religion of atheism!"
According to Ham, what atheism is arguing is that "life is totally the result of natural processes. When you die, you cease to exist — or as Dawkins puts it, your brain will rot. Thus, when your life is over on this Earth, you will never know you even had such a life. Eventually, everyone will die — the whole universe will die a heat death — and so ultimately no one will even know anything existed!"
He continued: "So, from the perspective of a self-described atheist, why does it ultimately matter what anyone believes about anything? We can make whatever 'purpose' and 'meaning' for life that we want to during our brief existence — but in an ultimate sense, life is totally meaningless, hopeless, and purposeless."
Ham goes on to argue that God has put the knowledge of God within each person, and so there are no atheists. He suggests that the reason atheists like Dawkins are "so aggressive" is because they know the truth, but do not admit it.
"They know God exists — the evidence is within them and all around them. But because of their sin nature, they don't want God. They are at war with God," he continued.
"Because the evidence within man and all around us in the creation is so strong, these atheists actively and aggressively attack Christianity and promote their atheism in order to 'suppress the truth in unrighteousness.'"
Dawkins has said that he will not debate Ham, and back in January 2014 criticized the creationism debate between Ham and "The Science Guy" Bill Nye.
The Richard Dawkins Foundation said at the time that "scientists should not debate creationists," arguing that "debating creationists offers their position credibility."
The RDF statement added that evolution is "backed by mountains of evidence, peer-reviewed papers you could stack to the moon and an incredible scientific community consensus."
It said that creationism "is a debunked mythology that is based solely in faith. It has zero peer-reviewed papers to back up its claims, it has absolutely no scientific consensus and is not even considered science due to the fact it cannot be tested."