Marco Rubio's New Ad Targets Christian Voters: Jesus, Salvation, God's Plan

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio released a new web ad (watch below) Tuesday discussing his Christian faith, saying our "ultimate goal is to live in all eternity with our Creator."
Rubio, like many presidential candidates in the Republican field, has been open about sharing about his faith on the campaign trail. The Roman Catholic candidate, who also attends Protestant services with his wife, has admitted in the past that there have been times he was not a strong spiritual leader in the home.
The new ad focuses on higher truths beyond politics, reflecting on the purpose of life and the created order.
"Our goal is eternity," Rubio says. "The ability to live alongside our Creator for all time. That is the purpose of our life to grow closer in our relationship and to accept the free gift of salvation to us offered by Jesus Christ."
Rubio affirmed the dignity and importance of work in the ad saying that our vocation is a way to reflect the glory of God but added our "ultimate goal is to live in all eternity with our Creator."
Rubio said that the struggle "on a daily basis" for Christians "is to remind ourselves of this, to remind ourselves the purpose of life is to cooperate with God's plan."
The Florida Senator quoted the notable passage from Luke 12:48: "From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more."
Rubio adds that God will ask humanity to account for the gifts that He has given to us.
"Were your treasures stored up on earth or in heaven?" asks Rubio, "and for me I try to allow that to influence me in everything that I do."
In his book American Dreams, Rubio discusses the imago Dei teaching and the dignity of work:
"For Christians, the centrality of work to human meaning and happiness comes from our being made in the image of God," wrote Rubio. "Being made in His image means we have dignity, worth and creativity. Work is how we use these gifts to contribute to our fellow men and women and to honor His name."
Rubio released a television ad Monday in which he declared the government is "incredibly out of touch," and how it is branding "millions with traditional values" as "bigots and haters."
Rubio often sparred with Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Rand Paul in Tuesday night's debate. Cruz and Paul have accused the Florida Senator of being weak on illegal immigration and border security.
"I think Marco gets it completely wrong," Paul said at the debate. "He's the weakest of all the candidates on immigration. To defend the country, you have to defend the border."
Rubio countered that both Cruz and Paul are weak on national security and have voted to weaken the National Security Agency (NSA).
"We must deal with this threat of radical Islamists, especially from ISIS, the most sophisticated terror group that has threatened the world or the United States of America," Rubio declared in the debate.