'Mr. Robot' season 2 spoilers: A new world begins
"Mr. Robot" is an American drama thriller series that airs on the USA network. The show has just recently ended its freshman run and is now headed into a new season.
The series follows Elliot Anderson, a young man who works at the cyber security company Allsafe as a security engineer. Constantly struggling with social anxiety disorder and clinical depression, Elliot's thought process seems heavily influenced by paranoia and delusion. He connects to people by hacking them, which often leads him to act as a cyber-vigilante. He is recruited by a mysterious insurrectionary anarchist known as "Mr. Robot," and joins his team of hacktivists known as "fsociety." One of their missions is to cancel all debts by taking down one of the largest corporations in the world, E Corp (known as "Evil Corp" by Elliot), which also happens to be Allsafe's biggest client.
Last season, the series ended with a twist that set up the second season for the fans. Someone was knocking on Elliot's door and White Rose's final sentence was "Rome Burn." It also turns out Mr. Robot was a figment of Elliot's imagination. Who is behind the door and what did White Rose mean when he said those words?
The upcoming season will explore what happened to Elliot during the three days when the hack was being executed and it aims to answer the burning questions that the viewers might have. The show could dive into the origins of fsociety.
Actor Rami Malek, who plays the lead role, spoke about the upcoming season. "I hate to think about those issues because I feel like everything that we do touch upon ends up being something that can cause massive damage to our societies, so I'd rather not anticipate the things that are going to happen," he said.
Series creator Sam Esmail dished on his plans for the show. He said that there is a different world that Elliot enters when the season starts and that it was this canvas that he really wanted to explore. He really wanted to explore the idea of what would happen if Elliot was able to set the world in chaos.
There is no word on when season 2 will air, but it will most likely be sometime next year.