
On Homosexuality and Jason Collins: An Open Letter to Dave Thompson

Note: Jason Collins recently became the first major sport professional athlete to publically proclaim he is a homosexual. Chris Broussard is an ESPN analyst who called homosexuality a sin and was later criticized by some colleagues and faith leaders for his remarks. Read the initial story here. This is a response to Dave Thompson's column.

Dear Mr. Thompson:

I am responding to your recent op-ed, "Why I Believe Pastors Should Support Jason Collins," that was published in The Christian Post on May 4.

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I find it intriguing you continue to use the words conservatives, faith, churches, and pastors, yet you put us in two different camps. I am responding for the millions of Christians, conservatives, faith-based churches, and pastors that stand on Biblical truths across America supporting the views of ESPN reporter Chris Broussard, theologian John Piper, and the tens of thousands of pastors speaking out against homosexuality.

Is it possible our friends over at your periodical need to change the name of the magazine to the "United Religion Post, For the Justification of Sin?"

Your defense of homosexuality is without merit because it has destroyed every civilization it has touched and that is shameful. Let's stop with the rhetoric and speak in the truest sense of love, and that is what I am about to do.

Like gambling, porn, alcohol and drug abuse, and sex addition, homosexuality destroys the family like nothing else, and eventually the soul that God turns over to a reprobate mind. (Romans 1: 24-30)

Mr. Thompson, in your desperation to justify this sin of 'choice,' you have stated that Jason Collins is brave and you commended him for his stand. You have also stated many conservative pastors agree with you.

Oh please, as we say in Alabama, do you think I fell off the turnip to believe such a ludicrous statement? Sir I may have been born at night, but not last night.

You go further with your own bigoted position to announce that we are "wreaking havoc in our church pews and ultimately destroying families with our banner of hate and hypocrisy over the doors of our conservative faith churches." And it's interesting that you use the term 'conservative' churches. Sir, this is NOT about political terminology as 'conservative,' or liberal. You are making this a political issue, and if you choose to do so, then you must also accept my words to correct you in the error of your way. This is about the teaching of Jesus Christ; that living for Him separates as well as brings unity. (Matt. 10: 34-37)

Personally I cannot label you as a hypocrite Mr. Thompson because I do not know you. However, for the record you are very much biblically misinformed.

There are absolutes in life and in the Bible, and in order for a civilization to survive we must adhere to them. Do you have any idea how deceitful and distorted your comments are? (Mark 9:42) What you are doing is very serious because it adds a new and dangerously deceitful gospel based on your accusations and seemingly hate-filled rhetoric. Can you please show us where we can read of a justification of homosexuality in the Bible?

Please go back and look at your own words Mr. Thompson, because I don't see the love of Christ in your accusations. EVERYONE is welcome to visit our churches, but we will not condone this lifestyle anymore than we would welcome a cheating spouse to continue in fellowship until they have repented of their sin.

These words of mine are in love, and very much to the point. I will not apologize to you or anyone else for speaking the truth in love because as Bible believing Christians, we should not condemn anyone! To the contrary, we want to love them individually into the Kingdom of God. Speaking the truth biblically is the truest form of love, and we all continue to learn this every day. I believe you have taken an unwarranted and arrogant opinion by saying, "a greater number of faith based pastors are welcoming gay couples in the Kingdom of God alongside all of the other unchangeable human circumstances in our churches."

Let's be clear about two items. One, these pastors DO NOT represent the majority of churches in America, and secondly, they are NOT inviting them into the Kingdom of God, but rather into their pews. There is a distinct difference here.

Mr. Thompson, your commentary is filled with bigotry towards the vast majority of Christians in America. You personally have given new meaning to the word 'saboteur.' You have cleverly 'twisted' Holy Scripture to do exactly what you have falsely accused us of doing.

Nowhere have you referenced scripture about homosexuality within the Body of Christ, nor stealing, murder, coveting another man's wife (notice not another man's man) and the most serious warning about teaching false messages that do indeed contradict God's Holy Word. (Matt. 18: 6-8) Do you believe it is God's Holy Word or something different? Contrary to your very sad commentary, we are the majority and growing in numbers and we are growing because of God's grace, and unfailing love.

Do you know anything about the warnings about what would happen to the society at Sodom and Gomorrah? Does the word 'Sodom' have any meaning to you?

In addition, I believe the temperature of your coffee you reference in your book, Over Coffee, is lukewarm instead of hot. And we know that God does not like the temperature of our faith or actions to be anything less that hot for His kingdom.

To conclude, where were you Mr. Thompson when Tim Tebow was slandered and persecuted by our media the past few years? I don't recall seeing your name, or the theologians with whom you keep company, among those demanding a fair account from our news agencies condemning the hate-filled reporting against this young man.

Those who have no concern for his salvation are exploiting Jason Collins. I would be the first person to invite Jason to our church, because we would not condemn him, but love him in the truest sense, being followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And yes, we would help him to understand the true love of Jesus Christ, and not the false hope you would give to him.

To be clear, you cannot lose your salvation because of Christ blood which was shed for us and covers our past present and future sins, however, if you do not repent of your sin as a believer you will fall under God's discipline found in Hebrews 12.

Dr. Ken Hutcherson is Senior Pastor of Antioch Bible Church outside Seattle. He is a former Seattle Seahawk and Dallas Cowboy linebacker who lives with his family in Redmond, Washington.

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