Penny Nance: Rubio's Unifying Speech Contrasted Sharply With Obama's Divisiveness (Video Interview)

WASHINGTON — The unifying tone of Sen. Marco Rubio's, R-Florida, Wednesday speech at the Catholic University of America contrasted sharply with President Barack Obama's divisiveness, Penny Nance, president of Concerned Women for America, told The Christian Post in an interview after the event.
Rubio "took a unifying stance that talked about the importance of marriage in America," Nance said. She also praised Rubio for offering "concrete policy ideas."
Later in the interview, Nance contrasted Rubio's tone with Obama, "who wants to divide and erode."
Rubio's speech focused on the importance of values to alleviating poverty. Nance participated in a panel discussion following the speech.
Recalling the speech, Nance said those in poverty can reach the middle class, or higher, by getting an education, staying away from drugs and alcohol, waiting until they are married to get pregnant, staying married, and working hard.
In her own family, Nance noted, "in two generations, the women in my family have gone from abject poverty to relative influence and affluence."
For women who are in poverty, get pregnant and are considering an abortion, Nance said it is important for the pro-life community to lend their help.
"As believers, we've got to aknowledge that we're broken and we live in a broken world and life isn't perfect," she said. "This issue is complicated and hard. ... Often these decisions are made from a place of fear.
Pro-lifers are "on the front lines, being salt and light and offering the healing hands of Jesus, ... offering hope to young women who are so afraid."