'The Batman' Plot: Director Matt Reeves Teases 'Noir-Driven' Film
"The Batman" settled on a director earlier this year, with Matt Reeves taking the coveted role. And by the looks of it, Reeves already has a vision in mind.
Speaking to New Trailer Buzz while promoting his upcoming film, "War for the Planet of the Apes," Reeves revealed that he sees "The Batman" as a "noir-driven, detective version" of the titular hero.
Reeves echoed the same sentiments on Variety's "Playback" podcast. "That provides an opportunity, again, if you want to take that point-of-view storytelling — and I can imagine the story as being like a noir. The originals from the golden age were detective stories. I think if you can marry that with the personal, there's a chance to do something very exciting," he said.
The director also compared Bruce Wayne to Caesar, the main ape protagonist in "War for the Planet of the Apes." He described both characters as being tortured and having similar internal conflicts.
"The Batman" went through some changes behind the scenes, with star Ben Affleck originally set to direct the film as well. However, the Academy Award winner stepped down from his directorial duties, leaving the seat open for Reeves to take over.
"I've never worked with [Warner Bros.] but my experience so far is really good, and as I describe what I want to do, they seem really excited," Reeves said. "So it's the beginning of a journey."
Joe Manganiello, who is also set to appear in the upcoming film, previously assured fans that changes behind the scenes is just part of the creative flow and that it does not indicate that things are not going well. He also revealed that production is scheduled to begin soon.
Affleck debuted as the Dark Knight in "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice." He will next be appearing as the hero on "Justice League," which is set to hit cinemas in November.
A release date for "The Batman" has not been announced.