Tina Campbell Says the Gospel Gave Her Strength to Forgive Husband's Infidelity

Gospel music star Tina Campbell and her husband, Teddy, recently appeared on "The Boris and Nicole Show" where the Christian couple, who publicly overcame infidelity, gave marital advice to parents in their 20s who are struggling to make time for each other.
Campbell, a mother of five, told the 21 and 23 years old couple — who've been married for two years and have two children — that it's equally important for them to make time for sex.
"You do what you want to do. I know when we started having children I made my children more important than my husband," Tina shared on "The Boris and Nicole Show." "I think it's healthy for your children [for you] to say, 'You sit over there and play together, eat food, make a mess. But mommy and daddy are going to go love on each other for a little while.' You find the time and you make each other important."
Campbell, the 41-year-old Mary Mary singer who ventured into solo territory with a new book, I Need a Day to Pray, and album It's Personal, did more than dish marital advice on the new talk show, she also revealed how the Gospel enabled her to forgive her husband after he had an affiar.
The singer admitted she almost walked away from her Christian faith as she struggled to overcome Teddy's infidelities.
"Initially, I lost my way, and I said 'forget this faith thing it doesn't work,'" Tina revealed on the Fox talk show. "I pursued vengeance and I was going to get him back and everybody back and make the world understand they should have never hurt me."
"I crashed, I cursed, I attacked, I drank myself to sleep," she admitted. "I was miserable."
Her husband, however, said he made the decision to fight for their marriage
"In the moment where I did all of this to her, I was like, 'OK, either I'm going to run, like I normally did, or I'm gonna rise up and I'm gonna stand up and be the man that I know that she needs,'" Teddy said.
Tina has been candid about her personal struggles for some time and previously said she's willing to share her testimony, no matter how difficult, to help encourage others.
"Part of my testimony, my willingness to speak about the difficult times, comes from the joy I have in the knowledge that it was God who saved me," she previously wrote on the Yahoo! Music Instagram page. "I want to let those feeling as low as I once did know that if He brought me through, He will bring you through! #OnlyJesusDidIt."