Virginia Christians Pledge 40-Day Fast Against Gay Marriage; LGBT Advocates Mock Them, Hope They All Die From Suicide

Virginia's Family Foundation has drawn the ire of LGBT activists after the organization recently declared a 40-day Christian fast to protect the state's Marriage Amendment, which defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman, from federal interference.
In a post on Citizen Link last Monday, the Family foundation invited Christians to join them in "40 days of prayer, fasting and repentance for marriage from Aug. 27 through Oct. 5, 2014."
"The Virginia Marriage Amendment, which affirms God's design for marriage as the union of one man and one woman, is being challenged in federal court. Our recently elected Attorney General, Mark Herring, has not only refused to defend Virginia in court, he has joined the plaintiffs in attacking our Marriage Amendment. The issue of marriage is out of the hands of the legislators and the people they represent, and is now in the hands of unelected, unaccountable judges," noted the organization in the post seeking to rally Christians to wage a spiritual battle against gay marriage.
"The Supreme Court begins its session on Oct. 6. We fully expect it to take a marriage case sometime in the next year. In the natural, it looks like a David vs. Goliath battle. The federal government, the news media, Hollywood, the public education system and big business all are arrayed on the side of same-sex 'marriage,'" the post continued.
"Only the church stands in support of God's design for marriage. Our 40 days will culminate on Oct. 5 just before the court begins its session. We don't know what the Lord will do. We do know that He is sovereign. Whatever happens, we must adopt the attitude of the three Hebrew children who refused to bow before the golden image in Babylon," it said.
Since declaring the fast, however, the organization revealed on their website that they have been getting some "bizarre phone calls and emails," including one which hoped Christians would all starve to death when they embark on their 40-day "hunger strike."
"I just wanted to stop by and tell you guys that what you are doing is GREAT! I don't want to live in a world where queers can be as happy as me. Why do they deserve to be as happy as a Christian? They don't even deserve basic human rights, RIGHT GUYS," noted the sarcastic email.
"In fact I don't think the hunger strike is going far enough. Have you guys considered mass suicide? I think that might help get the point across better. Just imagine all of the members of the Family Foundation drinking the magic cool-aid. Look at what it did for the popularity of Jim Jones! … I hope you starve to death," the email further noted.
Responding in part to the email, the family foundation noted:
Our friends on the secular left I'm afraid have gotten their hopes up just a bit. I'm sorry to have to dampen their excitement over the impending death of followers of Christ, but the word "fast" does not translate to "hunger strike."
Sometimes, Christians do indeed fast completely – without food – for a brief period of time, like 24 hours, as an act of humility in seeking a deeper relationship with God. More often, fast means giving up something like a food item – let's say our addiction to diet coke for example – for a longer period of time. Again, it's the idea of humility and sacrifice.
So, with apologies to the left, we aren't planning a hunger strike or mass suicide. Try to have a nice weekend anyway.