'We're in the Last Days, I Truly in My Heart Believe That,' Says Kendrick Lamar

Critically acclaimed platinum selling rapper Kendrick Lamar recently spoke to Billboard about his views on the recent racial unrest in the United States and why he believes we're living in the end times.
Lamar's lyrics frequently point to his Christian faith despite the harsh content found in them at times, and he expanded on his views further while discussing his troubled childhood and how he avoided further problems through God's favor.
"I got into some things, but God willing He had favoritism over me and my spirit," Lamar said during the interview.
He also touched on his run-ins with police while discussing Michael Brown.
"I wish somebody would look in our neighborhood knowing that it's already a situation, mentally, where it's [expletive] up. What happened to [Michael Brown] should've never happened. Never. But when we don't have respect for ourselves how do we expect them to respect us? It starts from within," he asserted.
"We're in the last days, man — I truly in my heart believe that. It's written. I could go on with biblical situations and things my grandma told me. But it's about being at peace with myself and making good with the people around me."
Lamar also mentioned God while defending the highly criticized white Australian rapper Iggy Azalea. The "Fancy" singer has been the subject of much scrutiny due to her perceived overnight rise to fame in the U.S. and her put-on southern accent that she uses in much of her music.
Many people in the music business have spoken out against her saying that the industry promotes her due to her marketability as a white artist. Lamar separated himself from the trend by defending her to the publication.
"She's doing her thing," he said. "Let her. People have to go through trials and tribulations to get where they at. Do your thing, continue to rock it, because obviously God wants you here."
Azalea reacted to Kendrick's comments last week.
"God is the only being I've never personally met whose opinion I'd consider strongly and He shows me daily He approves by blessing me," he said.
Lamar exploded on the hip-hop scene in 2012 when he released his critically acclaimed album Good Kid M.A.A.D City. It became an instant classic among many listeners and his follow-up is expected out some time this year even though no release date has been confirmed. The debut featured a good amount of Christian content, including a skit where Kendrick and his friends are baptized into the faith by proclaiming Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Toward the end of last year he released the first single off the album titled "I" which also touches on Christian faith.
"I done been through a whole lot. Trials, tribulations, but I know God, Satan wanna put me in a bow-tie, praying that the holy water don't go dry," raps Lamar in the beginning of the song.