
White House Rainbow Celebrate's Sin; Noah's Ark Reminds Us of God's Judgment and Love

The White House is illuminated in rainbow colors after today's historic Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage in Washington June 26, 2015.
The White House is illuminated in rainbow colors after today's historic Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage in Washington June 26, 2015. | (Photo: Reuters/Gary Cameron)

It's been a long time since God created the first rainbow. Some 4,300 years. And so it's easy to see why many people ignore what happened in the days of Noah. How ironic that the recent White House rainbow was used to celebrate sin rather than to remind people about God's judgment against sin and His love for sinners.

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The biblical timeline reveals the point in history when God brought the Great Flood upon the Earth. It was an act of divine judgment in response to man's wickedness. And the rainbow God created after the flood was to assure man that the Lord would never again flood the Earth as he did in the days of Noah.

And so it is ironic, and yes even tragic, that President Obama would choose to light the White House with a rainbow after the recent Supreme Court decision. It was his loud and proud way of celebrating the sin of same-sex marriage. Obviously, the president doesn't seem to believe that the Old Testament stories of Noah's Ark and Sodom and Gomorrah were actual events in history. If he did, then he might also be inclined to believe what Jesus said about being the only way to heaven. (See John 14:6.)

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You see my friends, the "ark" today is the cross where Christ died, and the flood is coming in full force on Judgment Day. The rainbow in the sky reminds us of God's judgment and His love, and it points us to the only way to escape the coming wrath and be safe forever in paradise. Noah and his family escaped the flood. And so will all those who come to Christ for salvation.

Rather than using a rainbow to celebrate sin, those who know Christ and believe His Word understand that the rainbow points to the one true God. He is a God of both judgement and love. Those who stood outside admiring the White House rainbow held signs saying, "Love Wins." But in the Bible, love wins when a person renounces sin and turns away from it while trusting Christ for forgiveness.

Imagine having a conversation with people from Noah's day who drowned in the flood. If you asked them today whether or not love wins, they would tell you that by choosing the path of wickedness, they prevented themselves from experiencing God's everlasting love.

Love only wins when a person understands that God is love, and that there is only one ark, one Savior, and one Gospel. Those who truly know Christ do not celebrate sin, but rather, they celebrate the Savior and His path of righteousness.

Jesus knew all about Noah and the flood. In fact, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." (Matthew 24:36-39)

How can anyone claim to believe the words of Jesus, and yet turn around and say that Jesus was wrong about Noah? Sadly, this is what happens in man's heart when he chooses to reject the message of the Bible, and instead pursue the cravings of his sinful nature. All of us are prone to go down that path, and only the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit can deliver us from such deception.

So while those in the White House, the media, and many in our nation celebrate same-sex marriage, we who believe the Bible will continue to pray for people to come aboard the ark. This calls for a person to repent and to stop celebrating sin, and also to trust Jesus as Savior and the only means of salvation.

Today in America, those who believe the Bible are perceived to be about as crazy as Noah was thought to be in his day. But that's what happens to God's people since we are led by the Spirit rather than led by the flesh. The flesh leads man to use rainbows in celebration of something God forbids. The Holy Spirit, on the other hand, leads man in the path of righteousness and peace forever.

As it was in the days of Noah, you too get to make a choice. But time is running out. And you would be wise to enter the ark right away. Once aboard, you will then begin loving others with the love which Jesus poured out for you when he died for your sins.

God created the first rainbow in the sky some 4,300 years ago, and many more rainbows since then. Meanwhile, men devise counterfeits to God's design. And you get to decide whether Jesus was right or wrong when He claimed to be the only way to heaven.

Jesus said, in Matthew 7:13,14, there is a wide road to destruction, and a narrow road to life. Which path are you on today?

Do you view God's rainbow as an excuse to promote sin, or as a sign of the Lord's everlasting love and salvation for all who repent and believe the good news? In other words, did the president get it right with his White House rainbow, or did God get it right in the Bible and throughout history?

While the door to the ark remains open today, it won't remain open indefinitely.

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