Witches Launch Facebook Group to 'Bind' President Trump by Praying to Demons

Witches from around the world gathered Friday at midnight to "cast a spell" on President Donald Trump, and plan to perform the same ritual at midnight on every waning crescent moon until the president "is removed from office."
Some witches gathered outside Trump Tower in New York but couldn't attract a crowd, reports Daily Mail.
However, witches from around the world posted pictures of the rituals with the hashtag #bindtrump. The Facebook group Bind Trump has also been set up.
W.I.T.C.H. Boston posted a video of the ritual on YouTube.

An online document "created by a member of a private magical order who wishes to remain anonymous" suggested a prayer for the ritual: "Hear me, oh spirits, of water, earth, fire, and air, heavenly hosts, demons of the infernal realms ..."
"I make no claims about its efficacy, and several people have noted it can be viewed as more of a mass art/consciousness-raising project (similar to the 1967 exorcism and levitation of the Pentagon), than an actual magical working," writes Michael M. Hughes, a "magical thinker," who has posted the document online. "But many are clearly taking it very seriously."
Items for the ritual included an "unflattering photo of Trump (small), Tower tarot card (from any deck), tiny stub of an orange candle, pin or small nail (to inscribe candle), white candle (any size, representing the element of fire), small bowl of water (representing elemental water), small bowl of salt (representing elemental earth), feather (any, representing the element of air), matches or lighter, ashtray or dish of sand."
The instructions for the ritual include: "Write 'Donald J. Trump' on the orange candle stub with a pin or nail, arrange other items in a pleasing circle in front of you, lean the Tower card against something so that it's standing up (vertically), say a prayer for protection and invoke blessing from your preferred spirit or deity."
The document adds, "Experienced magicians may perform an appropriate banishing ritual."
Titled "A Spell to Bind Donald Trump and All Those Who Abet Him (version 2.0)," the document states, "This binding spell is open source, and may be modified to fit your preferred spiritual practice or magical system — the critical elements are the simultaneity of the working (midnight, EST D.C., Mar-a-Lago, and Trump Tower NYC time) and the mass energy of participants."
"This I consider to be primarily a self-defense measure," Hughes told the Mail. "So many of us are just overwhelmed ... this felt like a way to reclaim our power and say, 'We have power over you. You don't have power over us.'"