Althea DeBrule

Christian Career Tools


  • Face Burnout and Survive

    It IS possible to face burnout and survive to live another day. While burnout can happen to anyone, people who are driven to achieve are usually more prone to it. They tend to be overworked, over – booked, and over-productive.

  • How to Identify Your Personality Style

    Your personality is the outward expression of the self. It includes all the qualities that make you a unique individual—your behavior, temperament, emotions and mental capacity.

  • 13 Ways to Creatively Reduce Stress

    One of the best ways to reduce and manage stress is to be kind to yourself. Yes, that\'s right, you can creatively manage stress at work and unwind from it in your personal life by being kind to yourself.

  • What Does the Bible Say about a Career?

    The Bible outlines four major things the Christian needs to know about work, a job and a career:

  • Worried About a Layoff?

    In today\'s economic and business climate, who isn\'t worried about the possibility of job loss? To manage anxiety and be more proactive, learn to watch for layoff warning signs.

  • Distracted by a Sidetracked Career

    A sidetracked career is full of distractions that break your concentration or focus. The frustrations, irritations, interruptions and events that take your mind off of goals, ambitions and dreams can wreak havoc on a career.

  • How to Respond to Criticism

    It has been said that critics are \"do nothing\" people. If you are trying to accomplish anything great, you will be criticized by those who are doing nothing.

  • What to Do When You Are Caught in an Office Political Crossfire

    You\'re in trouble…it seems that senior management has lost confidence in you. Your ideas are shot down at every turn and each decision you make is constantly questioned. Your ideas are shot down at every turn and each decision you make is constantly questioned. Your future with the company is precarious and uncertain.

  • God, Career & The Marketplace

    When discussing God and religion, one hears a lot about a spiritual walk.

  • Pray for Career Guidance

    Have you ever wondered what God has planned for your career? In today\'s fast paced world, it\'s easy to ignore or miss the career plans God has made for each person.