Dan Delzell
The Texas Rangers Almost Entered Baseball Heaven
When a major league baseball player enters the Hall of Fame, he is entering "baseball heaven." When a whole team wins the World Series, the entire team enters "baseball heaven." The Texas Rangers made it to the front gate of that utopia last week, but were not allowed inside. They were so close they could taste it, but that euphoric tease quickly turned very bitter.
Would Joel Osteen Officiate a Mormon Wedding?
Joel Osteen's recent interview with Sally Quinn of The Washington Post revealed some interesting things. Joel clearly conveyed a biblical position on whether or not he would officiate a same-sex wedding. He said he could not in "good faith" do such a thing. The Bible repeatedly identifies adultery, homosexual behavior, and sex before marriage as sinful practices.
Can Unbelievers Snatch Their Relatives from Hell?
If you have not yet trusted Christ to save your soul, a lot is riding on your upcoming decisions. It is not only your soul at stake here. It also involves the souls of your loved ones.
When Man Stops Resisting the Holy Spirit
Jesus came to provide redemption. The Holy Spirit was sent to reveal redemption. Man is a pro at resisting what Jesus came to provide and what the Holy Spirit came to reveal. Just look around you. How many people do you know who are resisting the Holy Spirit?
Wiccans Get Tricked and Christians Get Treats
My wife, Tammy, and I have been married for 21 years. When she was a teenager, she was hanging out with some friends one day who were messing around with a Ouija board. The letters began moving without any of the teenagers touching the board. The board spelled out the letters, "K I L L T A M M Y." If you are a Wiccan, you know all about this type of magical power. I sure am thankful that none of those teenagers followed the direction of those spirits that day. Those spirits were trying to entice
A Mirror for Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses
It is amazing how easily we as human beings can lose our objectivity. We become lost in our own little world. It is like looking in a mirror which reflects an inaccurate image of reality. What we see in the mirror is not a true reflection of our condition before God. It is almost like someone has cast a spell over us. We need to look in a different mirror in order to break the spell. We need a mirror that will help us to see ourselves correctly and in a new light.
Does Christianity Stand on Faith or Evidence?
I had an interesting e-mail exchange with an agnostic this week. He wrote: "If there were good evidence to corroborate the Bible, would you need faith? Correct me if I am mistaken, but faith lies at the core of the Christian worldview, not reliance on evidence."
The Church of Joseph Smith of Latter-day Saints
What an incredible opportunity we as evangelical Christians have been given at this very time in the history of our nation! The Lord has allowed the Mormon religion to come under the national spotlight. This allows us to spend a few weeks or a few months helping people, including Mormons, to understand the true nature of the religion of Joseph Smith as compared to the true nature of the Gospel. It is a rare opportunity that must not be missed!
How Anger Fuels Atheistic Arrogance
The majority of people in the world believe there is a God. Many of them don’t yet know Him personally through faith in Jesus, but they nevertheless accept the fact that He exists. Atheists, on the other hand, act like their subjective opinion on the matter carries the weight of a Papal Edict. They believe their enlightened wisdom is infallible. In that sense, atheists collectively represent “the papacy" for unbelievers. In their estimation, they are at the highest level among non-Christians.
Why Romney Makes the Religious Left Nervous
Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine being a religious liberal. You view the Bible primarily as a fable. You check the "Christian" box when asked your religion, but you don't associate with anyone who takes the Bible literally. You hope your followers vote against the Republican candidate. And then here comes Mitt Romney as the one chosen to oppose the "chosen one."