Dr. Reginald B. Cherry, M.D.

Dr. Reginald B. Cherry, M.D.

Christian Post Contributor


  • B Vitamins May Offer Migraine Relief

    B Vitamins May Offer Migraine Relief

    Supplements of vitamins B2, B6, B12, and folic acid may reduce the frequency, severity and disability of migraines, considered the most severe type of headache.

  • Midlife Stroke Surge Among Women

    Midlife Stroke Surge Among Women

    Middle aged women are twice as likely as middle aged men to suffer a stroke. But knowledge and prevention just might be the keys to reducing that risk.

  • Take Control of Your Health with Weight Management

    Take Control of Your Health with Weight Management

    Our nation is facing an obesity epidemic, with 66% of adults considered overweight or obese. But there are steps you can take to manage your weight and help take control of your health.

  • A Happy, Healthy You

    A Happy, Healthy You

    \"A cheerful heart is a good medicine; But a broken spirit drieth up the bones.\" Proverbs (17:22). It turns out that happiness may in fact be one of the most important keys to good health.

  • New Research Backs Up Mediterranean Diet Benefits

    New Research Backs Up Mediterranean Diet Benefits

    The Mediterranean Diet has been consistently recommended on this site for its many health and longevity benefits. Two recent studies support its advantages, linking the diet to a healthier heart and even a longer life.

  • Turmeric Extract for Your Joints, Not Just Your Spice Rack

    Turmeric Extract for Your Joints, Not Just Your Spice Rack

    Extracts from turmeric, the yellow spice used extensively in curries, may reduce the destruction of joints associated with arthritis.

  • Nutrients, Two by Two

    Nutrients, Two by Two

    Just as with many things found in nature, nutrients do not act alone, in a vacuum. Some important nutrients are more effective in the other presence of another; others cancel each other out, while still others need to be paired in certain ratios.

  • A Clear Look at Cataracts

    A Clear Look at Cataracts

    A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision. Most cataracts are related to aging: by age 75, as many as 70 percent of Americans have cataracts that are significant enough to impair their vision.

  • Nutrients Your Heart Will Love

    Nutrients Your Heart Will Love

    Let\'s take a closer look at the 5th smooth stone for fighting cardiovascular disease, \"Use Other Natural Compounds That Specifically Address Cardiovascular Disease.\"

  • 5 Smooth Stones to Defeat Cardiovascular Disease

    5 Smooth Stones to Defeat Cardiovascular Disease

    Before David faced Goliath, he went to a brook and found five smooth stones rounded over time by water. No matter how old you are, now is the time to address the Goliath of cardiovascular disease.