Jerry Newcombe

Jerry Newcombe

CP Op-Ed Contributor


  • Can Your Pro-Life Bumper Sticker Actually Get You in Trouble?

    In a day where your bumper sticker might get you in trouble, we should remember that tolerance should apply to all—even to those who hold politically incorrect views. True tolerance, which means respect for those with whom we disagree, seems to be disappearing in our time.

  • Are 'Entitlements' an Oxymoron?

    It's one thing to have a social safety net. It's another thing when virtually half the country is in that safety net, when government-dependence is a way of life. The estimates are that 49 percent of Americans now receive substantial government assistance.

  • Why Does God Allow Hurricanes?

    All politics aside, how could a good God allow hurricanes or other forms of natural disasters? This is a core question that keeps resurfacing. Presumably, it is part of what keeps some from believing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Rape, Abortion, and Roe v. Wade

    Just this week, a politician got in trouble for his unfortunate remarks about rape and abortion. While the media has been piling on, enjoying a feeding frenzy over that which he himself has apologized for, there's another story (also out of St. Louis) I want to draw attention to.

  • Overcoming Hate With Love

    Hopefully, Wednesday's shooting incident is not the beginning of some new trend. But historically, persecution often follows effective Gospel work. How are we to respond? Love is the key to overcoming hate.

  • Chick-fil-A: Living in Orwellian Times

    In some ways, the culture wars are ultimately a conflict between a biblically-based worldview versus that of secular humanism. And the dominant media expresses the latter.

  • Whatever Happened to Hell?

    Belief in Hell doesn't seem to be taken too seriously these days. Millions of high school students have been taught about Jonathan Edwards' famous sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," as a supposed example of Puritan excess.

  • Obamacare Decision Proves Elections Matter

    My first reaction to the Obamacare decision was: Well, it was a great country while it lasted. My second reaction to the Obamacare decision is to re-remember just how important elections are.

  • 50 Years Without Official School Prayer

    Fifty years ago this month, the Supreme Court declared an official school prayer unconstitutional. How have the schools fared since then? The facts speak for themselves.

  • Why the Catholic HHS Story Won't Go Away

    If the administration (or any administration) gets away with denying the sacred right of conscience to any group, then all Americans should be concerned, regardless of your religious persuasion.