Lane Palmer

Lane Palmer

Christian Post Guest Columnist


  • You are Handcrafted by God!

    So what makes you so…*special*? Why would you consider yourself a unique snowflake and a one-of-a-kind person?

  • A Pastoral Response to an Unspeakable Tragedy

    Sometimes the phrase “it seemed like yesterday” can be viewed as an overused cliché, but in this case it is absolutely accurate.

  • Why is the World So Screwed up?

    "This is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you!"

  • When Prayer Stopped Bullets

    So … how is your prayer life?

  • Busted!

    Saturday, around five or six o’clock. That’s what my parents gave me as the official returning time from their camping trip. Notice I said their camping trip, not my camping trip. Formerly my brother and I had always gone, but now my bro was in college, and I – being an amazingly mature and humble teenager – was allowed to stay at home for the week and hold down the fort.

  • The Superhero Inside You

    I’ll just come right out and ask you point blank ... if you could have any superpower, what would it be?

  • Anna, Britney, and K-Fed ... Oh my!

    I’ve really tried to get away from the latest unholy trinity of news stories, but it seems to have attached itself to the fabric of society like the oil of a skunk. You can change locations and hold your nose, but the stench just keeps on appearing in new and ad nauseum ways.