Michael Brown and Jonathan Feldstein

Op-ed contributor


  • A sobering (yet motivating) reality on the 20th anniversary of 9/11

    A sobering (yet motivating) reality on the 20th anniversary of 9/11

    His reply was strong and clear. Our troops were there first and foremost to protect American lives – meaning the lives of our citizens – and any military leader who put our troops before our citizens had no right to be in the military. Then he said this, “It is our job to protect those lives. If we die in the process, so be it. We would rather not die, but if we do, we do. That’s our job.”

  • No, the pro-life movement is not about controlling women

    No, the pro-life movement is not about controlling women

    As for the idea that the pro-life movement exists to enshrine “maximalist control over the sexual autonomy of women as a foundational principle of conservative rule,” this is a figment of the imagination of the pro-abortion movement.

  • The real attack against our children

    The real attack against our children

    This article is not meant to attack young people struggling with deep-seated gender confusion. To the contrary, it is meant to expose the attack on these young people.

  • Once again, a word to pro-life evangelicals who voted for Biden

    Once again, a word to pro-life evangelicals who voted for Biden

    This is the man you voted for. This is the man you helped put in office. This is the man you backed as pro-life Christians. And now he is pledging to fight for abortions with “a whole-of-government effort.” How do you feel about that?

  • Is Israel an apartheid state

    Is Israel an apartheid state

    The original Durban conference was hijacked by people and a terrorist-supporting agenda rife with antisemitism. Clearly, the organizers this year missed the irony of hosting a conference 11 days after the 20th anniversary of the infamous terrorist attacks of September 11.

  • An open letter to women who say ‘my body, my choice’

    An open letter to women who say ‘my body, my choice’

    Obviously, as a man, I cannot put myself in the shoes of these women. But I write this to say, “I can understand how you view people like me, and I can understand why, in your mind, abortion is often the most compassionate or, at least, most pragmatic choice.” I would only make this appeal to you: will you take a few more seconds and consider the pro-life side of things?

  • When this 16-year-old Indian pastor refused to back down he was severely burned with acid

    When this 16-year-old Indian pastor refused to back down he was severely burned with acid

    The Lord is visiting India mightily, and many are coming to faith in Jesus. They are also paying a price. May their encourage inspire us!

  • Once again, the Left is comparing Christians to the Taliban

    Once again, the Left is comparing Christians to the Taliban

    Are we really much different than Iran, or is it only by a matter of degrees or a matter of time until these so-called ‘Christian Supremacists’ get their paws on all of our laws?” Christian Sharia? Christian Supremacists? Isn’t this a little extreme?

  • When Harvard hired an atheist to be the chief university chaplain

    When Harvard hired an atheist to be the chief university chaplain

    Harvard has hired an atheist as its chief chaplain. How can an atheist be a university chaplain?

  • Afghanistan: New inspiration, expanded staging ground for Islamic terrorism

    Afghanistan: New inspiration, expanded staging ground for Islamic terrorism

    America’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, with more ghastly consequences each passing day, was a sign of our weakness and lack of resolve. We could not stand up to the strength of Islam.