Thom S. Rainer
October Baby
Millions of unborn babies are being led to their deaths. But most churches are just singing louder. What can we do?
Eight Reasons Leaders Lose Their Drive
The leader had no greater goal or vision than the job itself. The moment a leader is in a job for the paycheck alone, he or she has already lost the drive necessary to be a leader.
People Migration to Larger Churches
One of the most significant trends in American churches the past 25 years has been the migration of people from smaller churches to larger churches.
When Pastors Need a Pastor
The expectations of a pastor are always high. Most are expected to omnipresent, omniscience, and always energetic and ready to serve. But these men are people with their own limitations and their own struggles.
A Father's Prayer
The year was 1985. My third son, Jess, was five months old. His older brothers, Sam and Art, were five and three years old respectively. My wife, Nellie Jo, and I were exhausted. She, in particular, seemed never to rest with the demands of being a stay-at-home mom to three preschool boys. I was sleeping little as well, dealing with the demands of being a full-time seminary student, serving as pastor of a small church, and working an additional thirty hours a week at a bank.
Millennials, Religion, and a Reason for Hope
The Millennial Christians are relatively few in number. Again, I am reticent to estimate with any claim of precision, but I have suggested that the number of Christians in this generation is 15 percent of their total.
I Am a Church Member
I am a church member. I will seek to be a source of unity in the church. I know there are no perfect pastors, staff, or other church members. But neither am I.
Seven Reasons Leaders Fail
What then are the common characteristics of leaders who fail? They fail to dream.
Twelve in 2012: Trends in Healthy Churches. Trends 7 to 12
Healthy churches have pastors who love the members. And the churches allow their pastors to spend time in sermon preparation.
Twelve in 2012: Trends in Healthy Churches. Trends 1 to 6
The churches have a high view of Scripture. The members are evangelistically intentional.