Tony Perkins and Ken Blackwell
Body Parts Scandal 'Infuriates' President Obama!
Finally, our distinguished President, our Nobel Peace Prize Laureate has spoken out about the infamous scandal of body parts being trafficked. "It is infuriating and I have no patience for it," President Obama said in a strong show of righteous indignation.
Hillary Once Thought Abortion Was Wrong
Granted, it was when she was first lady. And admittedly, she didn't think we should do anything about the wrong of abortion. But she did say it.
President Obama: Out of 'Touch With' Africa
President Obama's sentimental journey to East Africa should have been a harmonious one. The usual round of VIP visits and dinners were marred, however, by this president's insistence on pushing his radical social agenda on Africans.
Obama to Abortionists: 'Thank You, Planned Parenthood. God Bless You'
Planned Parenthood pays no taxes. Under President Obama, they've made more than $500 million in profits, but they claim to be a "non-profit" organization. They kill more 800 children every day
History Shows that Iran Nuclear Deal Is a Bad Deal
Edmund Burke famously said, "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." This could not be more relevant to the debate raging over the Iran nuclear deal.
Shameful: Planned Parenthood's Weak Response to Selling Baby Organs
What do you have to do to lose your government funding these days? Try believing in natural marriage or running a pro-life charity.
3 More Great Progressive Lies From 'Progressives'
Conservative leader Morton Blackwell keeps a picture of Leonardo's model of a bicycle on the wall of his Leadership Institute. It's his site gag--and a sight gag.
Lien on Me: How the State of Oregon is Threatening a Christian Bakers Home
Same-sex "marriage" isn't about building homes -- it's about destroying them. Ask Aaron and Melissa Klein.
Battle Lines for Religious Liberty and Same Sex Marriage Are Set
Kelly Shackelford's debate with Evan Wolfson on Fox News Sunday highlights the battle lines for religious liberty in America now that the Supreme Court has grossly overstepped its authority by declaring same sex marriage a constitutional right.
War on Truth: It's a Progressive Disease
Truth is, by definition, objective and universal. Rejecting this fundamental principle leads people to do "what is right in their own eyes," as the Bible puts it, and enables them to play fast and loose with the rules.