Tony Perkins and Ken Blackwell

CP Op-Ed Contributors


  • Federal Judges Get a Taste of 'Judge Moore' Justice on Marriage

    Federal Judges Get a Taste of 'Judge Moore' Justice on Marriage

    Federal judges may have the last word on marriage -- but they won't have the final one. That's becoming abundantly clear in Alabama, the latest state to feel the sting of a runaway court invalidating the will of the people on marriage.

  • The Energy Deniers

    The Energy Deniers

    We hear it all the time from the liberal left: those of us who legitimately question man's impact on alleged global warming and call out the scandal plagued, phony facts used to support their hypothetical theories, are routinely labeled as, "Climate Deniers."

  • New York Times Editorial Board: Better Luck Next 'Times' When Attacking Christian Messages

    New York Times Editorial Board: Better Luck Next 'Times' When Attacking Christian Messages

    Apparently, The New York Times is in favor of faith in the public square -- if the purpose is to mock it. Editors at the Times poured gasoline on the fire of Atlanta's latest controversy with an editorial that should shock even their most liberal readers.

  • Energy Security: Now Is the Time to Act

    Energy Security: Now Is the Time to Act

    With the new year comes a new Congress, and, as always, energy policy will be a major priority for this 114th session.

  • Interview: Maryam Rajavi Discussing Nuclear Talks With Iran and Why It's a Bad Idea

    Interview: Maryam Rajavi Discussing Nuclear Talks With Iran and Why It's a Bad Idea

    Winston Churchill famously said "Jaw-Jaw is better than War-War." He was right, of course. But with Iran, the mullahs have made War-War while engaging us in Jaw-Jaw.

  • Hillary's Day of Infamy

    Hillary's Day of Infamy

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt appeared before a joint session of Congress on this day in 1941. Looking stern and resolute, the President wore a black armband, as if to memorialize the thousands of U.S. sailors, Marines, Army and Coast Guard personnel who had been killed and wounded the day before in a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.

  • Sounding the Alarms On Obama's Amnesty Agenda

    Sounding the Alarms On Obama's Amnesty Agenda

    Now that President Barack Obama announced his intentions to violate the Constitution and grant amnesty to 5 million illegal aliens through executive amnesty, Congress is in a rush to respond.

  • The Altar Not Ours to Alter

    The Altar Not Ours to Alter

    "This Marriage is not ours to alter. It is ours, however, to encourage and celebrate…this we affirm." These were the final words recited from a new affirmation on marriage at the conclusion of the three-day conference of international religious leaders at the Vatican on the complementarity of man and woman.

  • Sikh and Ye Shall Find… Marriage Allies!

    Sikh and Ye Shall Find… Marriage Allies!

    In message after message today, from Sikh, Muslim, Mormon, and others including American evangelicals Rick Warren and Russell Moore, there was a clarion call to renew the effort to uphold marriage as God intended it to be.

  • House Republicans Can Stop Obama's Amnesty Agenda

    House Republicans Can Stop Obama's Amnesty Agenda

    With already dismal approval ratings, this has been the most difficult month for President Barack Obama yet. After voters from coast to coast soundly rejected Obama-supporting Democrats on Election Day, video was leaked of left-wing economist Jonathan Gruber - the chief architect of Obamacare - admitting that the sweeping health care bill became law because Americans are "stupid."