Campaign to Reach 32 Million Kids in 5 Years
The BattleCry campaign's goal is to reach this generation for Jesus and hope to mobilize enough pastors to reach 32 million kids in the next five to seven years.
According to statistics posted on the BattleCry website, of the 33 million teenagers, only 4% will stand firm for Jesus.
Some spheres of negative influences on the youth include morally corrupt content found in film, music, the internet, and culture.
But the organizers of BattleCry believe there's hope.
During a July 29 conference call with the campaign's organizers, Kevin Benzel, who is coordinating BattleCry events and works for Teen Mania, said, "We're excited at what's happening with the Battle Cry."
He discussed who the initiative will aim to reach "100,000 youth pastors who are armed and equipped to double and disciple their youth group every year in the next five years."
If this happens, they will find themselves ministering to about 32 million kids, according to Benzel. "There is a 5-7 year window to capture these kids hearts. But if we jump through that window that then we could do it."
The initiative will consist of Battle Cry Campaign, the Regional Rescue Plan, and two types of Battle Cry events: stadium events for the youth and their families and leadership summits for youth workers and pastors.
Additionally, the initiative already has 3,000 senior pastors who have joined the BattleCry Coalition.
The first series of events will begin in late September and take place in the San Francisco, Detroit, and Washington D.C. areas.
For more information on BattleCry, visit or