Donald Trump Approval Ratings June 2017 Latest: Numbers Drop to 36 Percent Due to Russia Investigation
While President Donald Trump claims his approval rating is higher than Barack Obama's, the numbers say otherwise.
A few days ago on Twitter, President Trump posted about his 50 percent rating, which is supposedly according to an accurate poll. He said: "The new Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 Election, just out with a Trump 50% Approval Rating.That's higher than O's #'s!"
However, the actual data from Rasmussen Poll suggests that Trump's claims are false. When trump took office in January this year, his rating was at 59 percent, but it dropped to 42 percent in early April. On the other hand, when Obama took office in January of 2009, he had an approval rating of 67 percent. At the same stage of Trump's presidency in comparison, Obama's rating only dropped to 55 percent, which is still a few points higher than Trump's.
It does not end there, though, as according to a new CBS News poll, Trump's approval rating has faded to 36 percent in the recent weeks, the lowest since he became the president of the United States.
According to the report, this is due to the public's negative reaction towards how the Russia investigations are being handled. It was found out that only 28 percent of Americans approve of his approach to the issue. In fact, it even received a lower approval rating than his handling of other current issues, such as terrorism, which got 44 percent; the recent shooting, which got 46 percent; and the economic issues, which got 42 percent.
Another reason for the decline in Trump's approval ratings is said to be the dwindling support among Republicans. The recent numbers from the Quinnipiac University poll show that the support from those who voted for him, which mostly were Republicans and whites without a college degree, based on statistics, has declined by seven and 10 points, respectively.
According to The Washington Post, with the increasing questions regarding how Trump is handling the investigation of the Russian involvement in the 2016 elections, he needs all the support that he can get to make the next few months of his presidency a bit more comfortable.