Homosexual Activist Elected as Leader of Utah Democrats
The Utah Democratic Party overwhelmingly elected Jim Dabakis, the co-founder of Equality Utah and the Utah Pride Center, as its chairman last Saturday at the party’s state convention in Salt Lake City.
“The whole gay thing just simply did not surface as an issue,” Dabakis told the Salt Lake Tribune. “People are broad-minded in Utah, and they want to know if you can do the job or not.”
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints members, also referred to as Mormons, dominate the state’s population and are opposed to same-sex marriage. Dabakis said he would go out of his way to make Mormons feel comfortable in the Democratic Party.
“I want to speak directly to the LDS people in our state,” he said. “I want you LDS people to participate in our party. We want your spirit, we want your contribution, and we want to earn your votes. I will do whatever I can as chair to see that our big tent is comfortable to LDS people because it’s the right thing to do.”
Former Democratic state senator and U.S. Senate candidate Scott Howell, also a Mormon, sought support for Dabakis within the church’s leadership. Howell put together a meeting to introduce Dabakis to prominent and active LDS members, hoping to change the perception that Mormon and Democratic values are not compatible.
“We call ourselves the big-tent party, that everyone is welcome, “Dabakis told the Tribune. “But in the past, it has seemed that everyone is welcome in our big tent except Mormons,”
Utah Republicans control both chambers in the state legislature, all statewide offices and two of the three congressional seats.
Not surprisingly, many Utah Republicans and LDS members disagree with Dabakis’s assessment that church members will flock to the Democratic ranks.
Drew Chamberlain is the secretary of the Utah Republican Party. When asked about the newly elected Democratic chairman, Chamberlain responded by asking, “Who is Jim Dabakis?”
As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Chamberlain did offer some insight into Dabakis’ strategy of going after those in the Mormon faith.
“If you want to make inroads in the church, you certainly don’t want to advocate a position such as same-sex marriage that the church has been opposed to from its inception,” said Chamberlain. “I think the Democratic Party needs to recognize that our constitution defines marriage as between one man and one woman.”
Chamberlain also pointed out the difference in the size of the Republican and Democratic Parties in Utah.
“Republicans have over 700 caucus locations. I’m pretty such the Democrats have less than 10. I think that’s a good indication of how many Democrats are active in the state.”