Photo Gallery: California Same-sex Marriage Case Begins
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 23--- Superior Court Judge Richard Kramer will hear oral arguments on whether Californias laws defining marriage as between a man and a woman should be overturned at the Civic Center Courthouse in San Francisco.
City of San Francisco and a dozen same-sex couples will ask the judge to declare Proposition 22 unconstitutional. The California Attorney General, Campaign for Childrens Families, and Proposition 22 Legal Defense and Education Fund will defend the measure, which was passed by 61 percent of voters in 2000.
Outside the City Hall, the site where some 4,000 same-sex wed under the watch of Mayor Gavin Newsom, a lone Christian protester handed out fliers in which he wrote opposing same-sex marriage, reminding the residents of Gods presence and appealing to them to ask the Lord for forgiveness.
Solomon Solomua, 45, who has been a San Francisco resident for 22 years, said, I love them as brothers and sisters but they cant marry because it goes against the Word of God."