Take Control of Your Health with Weight Management
Our nation is facing an obesity epidemic, with 66% of adults considered overweight or obese. But there are steps you can take to manage your weight and help take control of your health.
Obesity has serious health implications – in fact, someone who is 40% overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely as is an average-weight person. This is because obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions, including: heart disease and stroke; high blood pressure; diabetes; gallbladder disease and gallstones; osteoarthritis; gout; breathing problems such as sleep apnea and asthma; and even cancer, including postmenopausal breast cancer. Furthermore, the more overweight a person is, the more likely he or she is to have health problems.
But it's not just the obese person that can benefit from losing weight. People who are 20% or more overweight can also gain considerable health benefits from dropping a few pounds. A modest weight loss of 10 to 20 pounds can bring significant health improvements, such as lowering one's blood pressure and cholesterol levels and easing knee pain.
Even people who are less than 20% above their healthy weight should still try to lose weight if they have high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels or high blood sugar levels; if they have an "apple" shape, with weight concentrated around their stomachs; or a family history of heart disease or diabetes.
A part of being healthy means achieving and maintaining your ideal weight. To do this, it's best to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly (See Dr. Cherry's Mediterranean Diet video and Exercise Guidelines.
But you can greatly increase your chance of success by taking the right combination of natural supplements. Our Weight Management Program provides you with all the key ingredients you need to achieve optimal weight.
Weight Management Support contains eight essential minerals, herbs and nutrients that have been shown to increase fat metabolism, suppress your appetite and essentially help your body burn more calories. These include:
* Green tea extract, cayenne pepper, black pepper fruit extract, which have thermogenic properties, increasing your body's resting metabolism rate;
* Chromium, an essential trace mineral that helps regulate glucose;
* Guarana, a herbal source of caffeine that enhances energy - without jitteriness;
* 5-Hydroxytryptophan (commonly referred to as 5-HTP), found to enhance serotonin production and suppress appetite.
The other component of our Weight Management Program is Solumet, a carbohydrate blocker with a special blend of unique soluble fibers and special herbs that curb your appetite, making you feel more full. It also inhibits the absorption of carbohydrates into your body, enabling more fat to be burned as fuel.
The Weight Management Program is available in Lemon or Berry Flavor.
You can start taking the steps you need to manage your weight, and take control of your overall health.