Waiting on God
Read: Psalm 62
For God alone my soul waits in silence. (v. 1)
I don't like to wait. I am unhappy when I get caught in heavy traffic, when I have to stand in a long line at the post office, when my computer takes seemingly forever to process something. When packing for a trip I always make sure I have something to read in the times of waiting at the airport or between events. Waiting is really boring for me!
On the other hand, patient waiting can be rewarding. It can be filled with anticipation.
Waiting is exactly what we are called to do in our relationship with God. The way we do that is through prayer. Have you ever thought of your prayer time as a time of waiting? We can fill the whole time with our petitions. But prayer is a relationship, not just a way of asking for help. If we wait we will receive. If we are impatient we deny ourselves what God wishes to give us. Praying impatiently is like trying to force open a flower bud.
In patient prayer the rush to accomplish our goals is temporarily stilled. We take a moment to simply be quiet, in a humble, receptive attitude—"waiting, yielded and still," as the hymn puts it— ready to receive God's gifts of love, joy, and peace.
Prayer: Gracious God, give us patience, waiting on you. Amen.
Used with Permission