What is Behind This Door and How Is It Helping the 'Hell-Bound'? (VIDEO)
Bobby couldn't keep going the way he was going. His mother died when he was young, and his father, whom he was close to, died much earlier than his time. He inherited a sizable estate, but squandered it in the pursuit of a false happiness.
"I've been whiskey-bent and hell-bound all my life," says Bobby in this video.
In this downward spiral, he lost his marriage, his family and all he had. He spent a total of 21 years in prison for drunk driving. He had nothing to live for when he entered a door marked "There is HOPE for all who enter here."
Through the door, he entered the Kansas City Rescue Mission. Much more than a homeless shelter, it's a place where those without hope or a future find it. Executive Director Joe Colaizzi says, "The focus of the mission is to empower those who come our way, the poor and the homeless, to reach their full potential."
For those who open their lives to the mission, that full potential is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
"I can't tell you how many times I've heard a guy, looking back on when he first came here … realizing for the first time what that sign really says," Colaizzi says. "His life is changing. He is in transformation from what he was to what he is to become – and all because he's trusting in Christ along the way."
At the mission, Bobby found what he needed. The work and the people there were unique, but he couldn't put his finger on what it was.
"Everyone I came in contact with after that was totally genuine. They had something that I wanted," he says. "They had Jesus Christ, but I didn't know what it was at that time."
Eventually, he would come to know it. Looking back, just like the Colaizzi described, Bobby recognizes what it was that first made him want to be a part of what was happening at KCRM.
"The joy of Jesus Christ," he confirms. "And it's totally changed my life."
Watch and SHARE this story about the transformational power of knowing Jesus!