'Hearthstone' An Ancient Recipe Tavern Brawl Guide: What Are the Best and Worst Classes to Choose?
While last week's Tavern Brawl for the game "Hearthstone" failed to impress a lot of gamers, Blizzard Entertainment has somehow made up for it with this week's "An Ancient Recipe."
In "An Ancient Recipe," no deck building is required. All players have to do is to pick a class, then they will be able to play the Un'Goro deck recipe from that class. Each deck is centered around the Quests, which means some decks are better than others.
To help gamers win the "An Ancient Recipe" Travel Brawl, reports have enumerated which classes are best to use, and which are the worst ones to play with.
Among the good classes to utilize in "An Ancient Recipe" are Paladin and Priest.
The whole deck of Paladin is filled with buff cards, which makes Kaleidosaur so much easier to summon. If that is combined with Mixologists as well as Truesilver Champions, then a gamer gets to have a very happy Uther. While Blessing of Wisdom is usually a bad card, it proves handy in this Brawl when a player has a hard time removing minions with the Divine Shield like Argent Squire.
For the Priest class, Anduin has proved to be useful as his Deathrattle minions and powerful Shadow Word board clears make him a reliable ally in the jungle. Also, players only need to summon a minion to count towards Priest's Quest, which means all gamers need is for Barnes and Onyx Bishop to fill those requirements if they manage to hit a Deathrattle minion.
Gamers will also surely have a lot of fun when Spellsinger Umbra is summoned out of the deck by Barnes, as it gives players a ludicrous amount of value with Cairne Bloodhoof and Living Shade.
The terrible classes, on the other hand, include the Druid and Warlock classes. In the Druid Class, players will have their hands filled with five-mana minions which they will never get to play. Warlock, on the other hand, is not only the worst Quest, it also has the worst minions and the worst way to get a win in the "An Ancient Recipe" Tavern Brawl.
Those that were not included on the list provided, while not the best, are reportedly still viable for playing.
"Hearthstone" is currently available on PC, Mac, smartphones and tablet devices.