Shooters Grill Allows Waitresses to Carry Loaded Guns, Celebrates Christian Faith
At Shooters Grill in the town of Rifle, Colorado, waitresses are allowed to carry fully-loaded guns in holsters while they serve their clients. It's a unique situation permitted by Colorado's open-carry law and stands in stark contrast to the Target Corporation's request that customers no longer carry firearms into their stores.
"Guns are welcome on premises," reads a sign posted on the door of Shooters. "Please keep all weapons holstered, unless the need arises. In such cases, judicious marksmanship is appreciated."
The restaurant's owner, Lauren Boebert, fully believes in the Second Amendment and the right to carry arms at all times. Her home state of Colorado permits open carrying of loaded firearms. It's something that is unique, and Boebert wanted to capitalize on that idea.
"We encourage it, and the customers love that they can come here and express their rights," Boebert told the Post Independent. "This country was founded on our freedom. People can come in carrying their gun, and they can pray over their food."
Shooters lives up to its name in both allowing waitresses and customers to carry loaded guns, but it also has a Western décor that celebrates the Old West. What one might not expect to see are three large silver crosses that celebrate Boebert's religious faith. People coming into Rifle, Col. have no problem with the restaurant and even visit it to show their support and celebrate their constitutional rights.
"We think it's just fine – we're very positive about it," visitor Wayne Greenwald said. "We carry guns ourselves and own a rifle, shotgun and handguns. We live in a very small town and we take care of our own crime problems. No one comes to Grand Marais (their home in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan) to break into someone's home."
The restaurant also offers a five-hour training seminar to help ordinary citizens qualify for a concealed carry permit.
"I fear for anyone who tries to rob us," Boebert joked. "We know what we're doing."