John Stonestreet and Kasey Leander
Op-ed contributor
John Stonestreet serves as president of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. He’s a sought-after author and speaker on areas of faith and culture, theology, worldview, education and apologetics.
Kasey Leander is a Fellow with the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics (OCCA). Prior to his time at OCCA, Kasey earned an undergraduate degree in history and PPE (Politics, Philosophy, and Economics) from Taylor University. While at Taylor, Kasey served in various ministry roles on campus and was active in student government. He has also worked briefly in politics, serving as an intern in the US Senate in Washington, DC.
If you were Drew Brees, what would you say? Thoughts on a faux controversy
“Controversy erupts around Drew Brees,” proclaimed news outlets on Friday, the very same news outlets who erupted the controversy engulfing one of the NFL’s best quarterbacks.
The search for the 'gay gene': New study, predictable reactions
Nothing in our culture so clearly demonstrates the controlling power of one’s settled presuppositions like how we think and talk about sexuality.
Marty Sampson's church failed him
Too much of Christianity – especially evangelical Christianity – neglects intellectual discipleship altogether. Not even basic theology is articulated from some pulpits. I don’t know how else to say it: They fail God’s people.
El Paso, Dayton, and Gilroy: The heart of the matter
We need to ask what it is about our culture that’s producing these young men bent on killing and chaos. And we need to ask: Where is the church?
Tomorrow is Good Friday: Stop, reflect, pray
Tomorrow is Good Friday. Hundreds of millions of Christians around the world will observe the day Jesus was nailed to the cross to save us from our sins.
Christchurch: Looking for evil in all the wrong places
As I record this commentary, the death toll in the horrific terrorist attack in New Zealand has risen to 50 souls.
Muslim parents protest LGBT indoctrination
The Muslims in Birmingham realize that British society accepts homosexuality and there’s no way their children can avoid the issue. But these parents insist that the indoctrination, especially at such a young age, must stop. American parents can learn from this ...
To Boo or Not to Boo? What Christians Should Do With Halloween
Today is that strange holiday that many of us don't know what to do with. Here's a history of Halloween, and what it has to do with Christians.
Why Trump's Religious Freedom Task Force Is So Important
After the first-ever Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, the administration has now announced a Religious Freedom Task Force. Here's why that's important.
Is This America's Most Hated Museum?
Since the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. opened, news outlets have been having a cow of biblical proportions.