Ryan Bomberger
Ryan Bomberger is the Chief Creative Officer and co-founder of The Radiance Foundation. He is happily married to his best friend, Bethany, who is the Executive Director of Radiance. They are adoptive parents with four awesome kiddos. Ryan is an Emmy Award-winning creative professional, factivist, international public speaker and author of NOT EQUAL: CIVIL RIGHTS GONE WRONG. He loves illuminating that every human life has purpose.
The battle I never thought I’d fight
As I type these words, I’m still in disbelief. I know God can heal on this side of Heaven.
Maternal mortality and the failure to value motherhood
Whether linguistically, culturally or medically, motherhood is being attacked.
Does Donald Trump want to make abortion gettable again?
Imagine if slavery were allowed up to 15 weeks. Or maybe we allow hard-core drug usage (you know, “my body my choice”), but just up to 15 weeks. Then, put that magical ban into place that pretends to protect life.
Making Christianity more invisible: Biden and transgenderism
Yes. Easter is actually a TRANS Day, if you will. One in which we were forever TRANSformed by a loving Savior who TRANSitioned from death to life in order to TRANSfer the brokenness of our sins onto Himself and TRANSmit to us the gift of salvation and eternal life. He sees us, saves us from our TRANSgressions and shows us in His Word how to sin no more.
The supreme mess America’s made of abortion
This supreme mess that is abortion zealotry requires more of us to love, more people to speak, more people to be that help and hope. I’m in. Are you?
GOP, stop fearing what the Left is cheering
Wait. Isn’t living the most fundamental right?
#HeGetsUs doesn’t get Him
Then, a jarring thing happened. The peace was interrupted by distorted musical hits and the words: “Jesus Never Taught Hate. He Washed Feet.” Wait. What? As the #HeGetsUs website came up, I sighed. That was an $18 million rebrand of Christianity gone woke.
Rape and abortion: How my life was saved
Why has Planned Parenthood been sued repeatedly for failing to report rape? Because it’s good for business. They abort. They don’t report.
The teacher who wouldn't bow
Tanner Cross’ story is a powerful reminder that courage doesn’t need a crowd. It just needs someone with conviction.
Adoption: Thriving is better than dying
No one is better off dead. We’re all better off loved.