6 highlights from the second Republican presidential debate

Haley, DeSantis plug parental rights, call for a return to the basics in education
When discussing American education, Haley called for "complete transparency in the classroom," adding, "No parent should ever wonder what's being said or taught to their child in the classroom." Haley's comments reflect concerns about public schools exposing students to sexually explicit material and/or controversial ideologies such as critical race theory.
"We've got to quit spending time on this [diversity, equity and inclusion] and CRT and instead focus on financial literacy, on digital literacy and on making sure our kids know what they need to do to have the jobs of the next generation," Haley continued.
After outlining how "our country's education system's in decline because it's focused on indoctrination, [and] denying parents' rights," DeSantis pointed to Florida as "the revival of American education."
DeSantis cited his approval of a Parents' Bill of Rights and his state's elimination of critical race theory in public schools as examples of positive reforms instituted as part of such a revival. He also expressed gratitude that "we now have American civics and the Constitution in our schools in a really big way."
Ryan Foley is a reporter for The Christian Post. He can be reached at: ryan.foley@christianpost.com